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句子大全 2018-11-01 04:07:38

两个或两个以上意义相关、层次相同、句法功能也相同的词、短语或句子由并列连词或其他并列手段连接起来,构成语法结构序列,这种语法结构序列叫做并列结构。 二、并列结构的构成: (一)构成形式 并列结构分为不同的层次,可以是词和词的并列,词组和词组的并列,也可以是分句和分句的并列。 1、词和词的并列:形式相当,意义一致或相反的单个词用并列连词连接起来(当然词组也可以的!) 例1:sooner or later 例2:beauty and the beast 例3:gloom and doom 例4:one way or the other 2、分句和分句的并列:形式相当,意义一致或相反的句子用并列连词连接起来 例1:She played the piano and I danced. 她弹起了琴,我跳起了舞。 例2:The weather is good, but I still want to stay at home. 天气挺好,但我还是想宅在家。 例3:You can play basketball outside or play cards at a bar. 你可以在外面打球,或者找个酒吧打牌。 (二)并列连词(找到并列连词,分清并列对象,这是并列结构的关键) 英语有三个主要的并列连词,即and,or,but。另外,nor,so和yet同样可作连接性副词。除此之外,还有几对关联并列连词,分别是both...and,either...or,not...but,neither...nor,not only...but also。按照意义划分,并列连词可分为四类:以and为代表的表示语义引申的并列连词;以or为代表的表示选择的并列连词;以but为代表的表示转折和对比的并列连词;以so为代表的表示因果关系的并列连词。 1、以and为代表的表示语义引申的并列连词 这类并列连词包括and,both...and,not only...but (also),not...nor,neither...nor等。它们在语义上表示其所连接的成分是对前项的补充和引申,包括肯定和否定两种意义的引申。 例1:Not only are the students interested in the film, but their teacher is beginning to show an interest in it. 不仅学生们对这部电影很感兴趣,连他们的老师都开始有兴趣看了。 例2:Neither has Harry wanted to take off the necklace, nor has his companion 哈利不想摘掉项链,他的伙伴罗恩也不想。 2、以or为代表的表示选择的并列连词 这类并列连词包括or和either...or。 例1:The soldiers were excited, or at least they appeared to be excited. 士兵们非常兴奋,或者说至少他们看起来非常兴奋。 例2:There are only two possibilities: win or go home. 只存在两种可能性:赢球或者回家。 3、以but为代表的表示语义转折和对比的并列连词 这类并列连词包括but,not...but,while,whereas,yet等。 例1:The young man has often been criticized, but he is never discouraged. 这个年轻人常常遭到批评,但是他从不沮丧。 例2:This win is not yours but mine. 胜利不是你的,而是我的。 例3:My girlfriend wants to work in town, whereas I myself would rather in the country. 我女朋友想在城市工作,但我宁可回农村。 4、以so为代表的表示因果关系的并列连词 表示因果关系的并列连词包括so和for。So后面连接的句子为前一句的结果;for后面连接的句子为前一句的原因。 例1:The winter is coming, so we must unite as one. 凛冬将至,因此我们必须团结一致。 例2:The general looks tired and sleepy, for he fought all night with the enemy. 将军看起来又累又困,因为他整晚与敌人奋战。 真题操练 2002 翻译 44 They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing)man of traditional theory, and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. 【解析】本句是由and连接的并列复合句。句子主干为They are the possessions and they are essential to practices。 【翻译】它们是传统理论定义的自主人所拥有的,是在一个人对自己的行为负责并因其成绩而给予肯定的实践活动中必不可少的。
