
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-11-10 21:00:08

fade away (to disappear gradually) 逐渐消失

fail [fe l] v. 失败;不及格;衰退

fail to do sth


Words failed me. 我无话可说。

My eyesight failed. 我的视力减弱了。

If rain fails, the farmers will suffer.

I fail to see why you won t give it a try.

failure [ fe lj (r)] n. 失败

Failure is the mother of success

The man is a failure.

The party was a failure.

fair [fe (r)] a. 公平的, 合理的 a. (肤色)白皙的; (人)白肤金发的 n. 集市;庙会;展览会

fairly [ fe l ] ad. 公正地, 正当地;相当(程度)地

a fair price

fair skin

a fair day

fair hair

fairly pretty 相当美丽

fairness [ f nis] n. 公平;公正

faith [fe ] n. 信仰;信念

fall [f l] n. (美)秋季

fall ill/asleep/silent 病了/睡着了/沉默了

fall behind 落后

fall over 跌倒

A sudden silence fell.

My birthday falls on a Monday this year.

fall [f l] (fell, fallen) vi. 落(下), 降落;倒

false [f ls] a. 不正确的;假的

familiar [f m l (r)]a. 熟悉的

family [ f m l ] n. 家庭;家族;子女

family name 姓氏

famous[ fe m s] a. 著名的

fan [f n]n. (电影、运动等的)迷;热心的爱好者(支持者) n. 风扇

fancy [ f ns ] a.想象的;奇特的

fantastic a. (口语)极好的, 美妙的, 很棒的

That s an fantastic idea.

fantasy [ f nt s ] n. 幻想, 梦想

far [fɑ (r)] (farther, farthest 或further , furthest) a. ad. 远的;远地

far from 离 ...远; 远远不 ...

His work is far from satisfactory.

As far as I can see= In my opinion=Personally依我看 ...

fare [fe (r)] n.(车或船的)费用, 票(价)

farm [fɑ m] n. 农场;农庄

farmer [ fɑ m (r)] n. 农民

fast [fɑ st; (US) f st]a. 快的, 迅速的;紧密的 ad. 快地, 迅速地;紧密地

fasten [ fɑ s( )n; (US) f sn]vt. 扎牢;扣住

fat [f t]n. 脂肪 a. 胖的;肥的

father [ fɑ (r)] n. 父亲

fault [f lt]n. 缺点, 毛病

Why should I say sorry when it s not my fault?

favour [ feiv ] (美favor) n. 恩惠;好意;帮助

Could you do me a favor?

Can I ask a favor? 请帮个忙好吗?

We are all in favor of the plan. 我们都赞成这个计划。

favourite [ feiv rit] (美 favorite) a. 喜爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人(或物)

fax [f ks] n. 传真

fear [f (r)]n. 害怕;恐惧; 担忧

feast [fi st] n.盛宴, 宴会, (宗教的)节日

feast your eyes 大饱眼福

a wedding feast

The evening was a real feast for music lovers.

feather [ fe (r)] n. 羽毛

February [ febru ri] n. 2月

federa [ fed r( )l]l a.中央的(政府)联邦的

fee [fi ]n. 费, 费用

feed (fed, fed) [fi d] vt. 喂(养);饲(养)

They have a large family to feed.

We feed horses on grass.(We feed grass to horses.)

feel (felt, felt) [fi l]v. link 感觉, 觉得;摸, 触

She couldn t feel her legs.他的双腿失去了知觉。

You will feel better after a good night s sleep.

feel oneself 感觉身体正常

I am not quite feeling myself today.

feel one s way 摸索着前进

The blind man felt his way along the road.

feel like(doing)sth 感觉像/喜欢......

feeling [ fi l ]n. 感情;感觉

fellow [ fel ]n. 同伴;伙伴

female [ fi me l]a. 女的;女性的;雌性的

fence [fens]n. 栅栏;围栏;篱笆

ferry [ fer ] n. 渡船

festival [ fest v l]a. 节日的, 喜庆的

fetch [fet ]vt. (去)取(物)来, (去)带(人)来

fever [ fi v (r)] n. 发烧;发热

few [fju ] pron. 不多;少数 不多的;少数的

quite a few 相当多

a good few 相当多

fibre [ faib ] (美fiber) n. 纤维质

fiction [ f k ( )n]n.小说, 虚构的事

field [fi ld]n. 田地;牧场;场地

fierce [ f s] a. 猛烈的

fifteen [f f ti n]num. 十五

fifth [f f ]num. 第五

fifty [ f ft ] num. 五十

fight [fa t] n. 打仗(架), 争论

fight [fa t] (fought, fought) n. 打仗(架), 与 打仗(架)

fighter [ fa t (r)] v. 战士;斗士

figure [ f ɡ (r); (US) f gj r] n.数字;数目;图;图形;(人的)身型;人物;(绘画、雕刻)人物像 vt.(美口语)认为, 判断.(在心里)想像, 描绘

be round in figure 呈圆形

have a good figure 身材好

figure out 解决;算出;想出;理解

figure out a problem 算出一道题

I couldn t figure out who he was.我想不出他是谁。

file [fa l]n.公文柜;档案(计算机)文档

fill [f l]vt. 填空, 装满

Fill the glass with water.

A big crowd filled the hall.

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

fill in 填写;填充

fill in the blank(空白表格)

fill in the hole(洞)

fill up 装满

film [f lm] n. 电影;影片;胶卷vt. 拍摄, 把 拍成电影

develop a film 冲洗交卷

a film of dust 薄薄的一层灰尘

Everything was covered in a film of dust.

final [ fa n( )l] a. 最后的;终极的

finance [ fa n ns]n.资金, 财政, 财务

find [fa nd] (found, found) vt. 找到, 发现, 感到

I find it necessary to find a good map.

When she came to, she found herself lying in bed.

The teacher found herself surrounded by her students.

I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.

fine [fa n]a. 细的;晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的 n. v. 罚款

finger [ f ɡ (r)] n. 手指

fingernail [ f ɡ ne l] n. 指甲

finish [ f n ] v. 结束;做完

fire [ fa (r)] n. 火;火炉;火灾 vi. 开火, 开(枪, 炮等), 射击

be on fire 着火了

firefighter n. 消防人员

fireplace [ fa ple s] n. 壁炉

firewood [ fairwud] n. 木柴

firework [ fa w k] n. 焰火

firm [f m] n.公司;企业 a.坚固的,坚定的

firmly [ f ml ] ad. 牢牢地

first [f st] num. 第一 a. ad. 第一;首次;最初 n. 开始;开端

fish [f ] n. 鱼;鱼肉 vi. 钓鱼;捕鱼

fisherman [ f m n] n. 渔民;钓鱼健身者

fist [f st] n. 拳(头)

fit [f t] a. 健康的, 适合的 v. (使)适合, 安装

be fit for 适合于......

be fit to do sth. 适合做某事

keep fit 保持健康

fitting room [ f t -r m]] 试衣间

five [fa v] num. 五

fix [f ks] vt. 修理;安装;确定, 决定

Has the date of the meeting been fixed?

The car can t start can you fix it?

All the students are listening to the teacher with their eyes fixed on the blackboard.

This is a fixed phrase(固定短语).

flag [fl ɡ] n. 旗;标志;旗舰

flame [fle m] n. 火焰, 光辉

flaming [ fle m ] a. 火红的;火焰般的

flash [fl ] n. 闪;闪光; 转瞬间

Memories flashed through my mind.往事历历在目。

a flash of lightning 一道闪电

in a flash 在一瞬间

flashlight [fl ] n. 手电

flat [fl t] a. 平的 n. 楼中一套房间; 公寓(常用复数)

flee [fli ] (fled, fled) v. 逃走;逃跑

flexible [ fleks bl] a.灵活的, 可变动的

flesh [fle ] n. 肉

your own flesh and blood 你自己的亲骨肉

in the flesh 亲自,本人

flight [fla t] n. 航班 n. 楼梯的一段

float [fl t] vi. 漂浮, 浮动

flood [fl d] n. 洪水 vt. 淹没, 使泛滥

The river is in flood. 河水泛滥。

What a flood of rain. 好大一阵雨。

Letters flooded the office. 信件大量涌入办事处。

Warmth flooded my heart. 我心里热乎乎的。

floor [fl (r)] n.地面, 地板.(楼房的)层

take the floor 发言

live on the third floor

have/get the floor 取得发言权

flour [ fla (r)] n. 面粉, 粉

flow [fl ] vi. 流动

flower [ fla (r)] n. 花

flu [flu ] n. 流行性感冒

fluency [ flu nsi] n.(外语)流利, 流畅

fluent [ flu nt] a. (外语)流利的, 流畅

He is fluent in English.

He speaks fluent English

fluently adv.

fly (flew, flown) [fla ] vi. (鸟、飞机)飞;(人乘飞机)飞行;(旗子等)飘动 vt. 空运(乘客, 货物等);放(风筝、飞机模型等)

Birds fly in the sky.

A flag flies in the wind.

How time flies. 时间飞逝。

The door flew open. 门突然开了。

focus [ f k s] v. / n.集中(注意力, 精力)于, 焦点, 中心点

focus one s eyes

focus one s attention

Eyes were focused on him

fog [f ɡ] n. 雾

foggy [ f ɡ ] a. 多雾的

fold [f ld] vt. 折叠;合拢

folk [f k] a. 民间的

follow [ f l ] vt. 跟随;仿效;跟得上

follow sb up the stairs

follow one s example 以某人为榜样

follow this road

in the following years

Their requirements are as follows.

Do you follow me?

The teacher came in, followed by some students.

following [ f l w ] a. 接着的;以下的

fond [f nd] a. 喜爱的, 爱好的

food [f nd] n. 食物, 食品

fool [fu l] n. 傻子, 蠢人

make a fool of sb 愚弄/欺骗某人

fool sb into doing sth 哄骗某人做某事

April Fools Day 愚人节

foolish [ fu l ] a. 愚蠢的, 傻的

foot (复 feet) [f t] n. 足, 脚;英尺

football [ f tb l] n. (英式)足球;(美式)橄榄球

for [f (r), f (r)] prep. 为了 ;向 , 往 ;与 交换;防备 ;适合 ;因为 ;在 期 间;对于 ;对 来说 conj. 因为, 由于

ten for a dollar

take sb for a fool

a ticket for tomorrow

He is tall for his age.

forbid [f b d] (forbade, forbidden) vt. 禁止, 不许

forbid sb. from doing

forbid sb.to do

forbid doing

the Forbidden City 故宫

force [f s] vt. 强迫, 迫使

force sb to do sth

force sb into doing

force one s way

force a smile

forecast [ f kɑ st; (US) f rk st] n. vt. 预告

forehead [ f r (US) f r d] n. 前额

foreign [ f r (US) f r n] a. 外国的

foreigner [ f r n (r)] n. 外国人

foresee [f si ] (foresaw, foreseen) vt.预见.预知

forest [ f r st; (US) f r st] n. 森林

forever [f rev (r)] ad. 永远;永恒的

forget [f rev (r)] (forgot, forgotten) v. 忘记;忘掉

forget to do sth 忘记做某事(未做)

forget doing 忘记做过某事

Don t forget me to your mother.

You must do it before you forget it.

forget about sth 别再想 ...

Forget it. 不必再提。

forgetful [f ɡetf l] a. 健忘的, 不留心的

forgive [f ɡ v] (forgave, forgiven) vt. 原谅, 宽恕

fork [f k] n. 叉, 餐叉

form [f m] n. 表格;形式;结构

format [ f m t] n. 版式;格式

former [ f m (r)] a. 以前的, 从前的;(两者之中的)前者

fortnight [ f tna t] n. 十四日, 两星期

fortunate [ f t n t] a. 幸运的; 侥幸的

fortune [ f tju n, f t u n] n. 财产;运气

seek one s fortune 寻找发财的机会

make one s fortune 发财

forty [ f t ] num. 四十

forward [ f w d] ad. 将来.今后.向前, 前进

found [fa nd] vt. 成立, 建立

founding [ faundi ] n. 成立, 建立

fountain [ fa nt (US) fa ntn] n. 喷泉

four [f (r)] num. 四

fourteen [ f ti n] num. 十四

fourth [ f ti n] num. 第四

fox [f ks] n. 狐狸

franc [fr k] n. 法郎

France* [fr ns] n. 法国

fragile [ fr d a (US) fr d l] a.易碎的, 易损的

fragrant [ fre ɡr nt] a. 香的, 芳香的

framework [ fre mw k] n.(建筑物)框架, 结构

free [fri ] a. 自由, 空闲的;免费的

be free from/of 免于;没有 的,不受 影响的

for free 免费地

free sb from(of)

a tax-free shop 免税店

a smoke-free room 无烟房间

freedom [ fri d m] n. 自由

freeway [ fri we ] n. 高速公路

freeze [fri z] (froze, frozen) vi. 结冰

freezing [ fri:zi ] a. 冻结的;极冷的

Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.

I am freezing.我快冻僵了。

Smiles froze on her face.笑容在她脸上僵住了。

freeze to death

freezing cold 非常冷

French [frent ] n. 法语 a法国的;法国人的;法语的

Frenchman [ frent m n] (复 Frenchmen) n. 法国人(男)

frequent [ fri kw nt] a. 经常的;频繁的

fresh [fre ] a. 新鲜的

fresh air/water/color/news

Friday [ fra d ] n. 星期五

friction [ fr k ( )n] n. 摩擦

fridge =refrigerator [r fr d re t (r)] n. 冰箱

fried [fraid] a. 油煎的

friend [frend] n. 朋友

make friends with sb

friendly [ frendl ] a. 友好的

friendship [ frend p] n. 友谊, 友情

fright [fra t] n. 惊恐;恐吓

frighten [ fra t( )n] vt. 使惊恐, 吓唬

frog [fr (US) fr ɡ] n. 青蛙

from [fr m, fr m] prep.从;从 起.距.来自

front [fr nt] a. 前面的;前部的 n. 前面;前部;前线

frontier [ fr nt (r); (US) fr n t r] n. 前沿 , 边界;前线

frost [fr st; (US) fr st] n. 霜

fruit [fru t] n. 水果;果实

fruit juice [fru t d u s] n. 果汁

fry [fra ] vt. 用油煎;用油炸

fuel [fju l] n. 燃料

full [f l] a. 满的, 充满的;完全的

fun [f n] n. 有趣的事, 娱乐, 玩笑

It is great fun to swim in a pool in summer.

have fun doing 做某事有趣

just for fun 只是为了好玩

make fun of sb 取笑某人

function [ f k n] n. / v. 作用,功能,运转

The machine functions well.

fundamental [f nd ment( )l] a. 十分重大的, 根本的

funeral [ fju n r( )l] n. 葬礼

funny [ f n ] a. 有趣的, 滑稽可笑的

fur [f (r)] n. 毛皮;皮子

furnished [ f :ni t] a. 配备了家具的

furniture [ f n t (r)] n. (总称)家具

future [ fju t (r)] n. 将来
