
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-10-15 08:02:00


A Hi! You look tired but happy! How was your day at the Summer Palace?

A 你好!你看起来很累,但是很开心。你在颐和园玩得怎么样?

B It was great. Lots of people, but not too crowded.

B 好极了。人很多,但是不太拥挤。

A That’s good. Sometimes in summer time, it can be really crowded and busy.

A 那不错。夏季的时候,有时候颐和园非常拥挤、吵闹。

B Well, today was fine. And it was lovely walking round the lake.

B 哦,今天不错。在湖的四周散步真好。

A Yes. It’s so nice there, with lovely views all round the lake.

A 是的。那里真不错,湖四周的景致非常美。

B Yes, very peaceful. A good break away from the traffic and pollution in the city!

B 是的,非常宁静。可以远离城市的喧嚣和污染。

Notes 注释

1 Remember you can describe people’s appearances or feelings by using You look . . . / You look . . . e.g. You look tired. / You look tired; You look happy. / You look happy; You look good. / You look good.

记住描述某人的外貌或者感情用You look . . . / 你看起来 . . . 例如: You look tired. / 你看起来很累; You look happy. / 你看起来很高兴; You look good. / 你看起来气色很好。

2 When you are talking about the day you have just had, use the past tense, e.g. It was great. / It was great; It was lovely walking round the lake. / It was lovely walking round the lake.

当你谈论你刚刚度过的一天时,用过去时态,例如:It was great. / 好极了; It was lovely walking round the lake. /在湖的四周散步真好。

3 You can describe a walk in a park, or round a lake, or in the country in many ways, e.g. It was very peaceful. / It was very peaceful; It was very nice. / It was very nice.

你可以用多种方法描述你在公园,或者围绕着湖水,或者在乡村散步,例如 : It was very peaceful. / 那里非常宁静; It was very nice. / 那里非常好。
