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雅思写作冲高分 基本错误先避免

句子大全 2017-08-26 15:05:33

由于对某些词和词组的意思缺乏真正的理解或把要表达的意思先用中文想好,然后逐字翻译成英语,造成累赘。例如: ① (误)In my opinion, I think t he production and sale of fake commodities should be banned. (正)I think t he production and sale of fake commodities should be banned. in my opinion与I think意思完全相同,可以删去其中的一个。 ② (误)Scientists are trying to find a solution to solve t he problem of energy shortage . (正)Scientist s are trying to find a solution to t he problem of energy shortage. 一个词与它的派生词一起出现,造成意思重复,给人以累赘的感觉,改正后的句子变得简洁多了。 ③ (误)Waste gas is t he main cause which leads to air pollution . (正)Waste gas is t he main cause of air pollution. cause和lead to都表原因,同时使用造成意思重复。 雅思写作提分技巧4、逗号连接错误 中国学生在英语写作中常常单独使用逗号而不用句号、分号、冒号或连结词来连接两个或几个独立的分句。例如: ① (误)The weather was fine, we decided to climb t he mountain. (正)As the weather was fine, we decided to climb t he mountain. ② (误)The [wv]prospects[/vw] are bright, the road has twists and turns. (正)While t he prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns. 上面两个标有误的句子在语法上没有错误,它错就错在逗号的使用不当。错误的根源是学生受汉语写作习惯的影响,把汉语逗号的作用等同于英语逗号的作用。在汉语中,逗号可以单独使用在并列分句之间。 (1)变成两个简单句: The wind was blow ing very hard. They couldn’t go boating on t he lake. (2)变成并列句,用逗号加并列连接: The wind was blowing very hard they couldn’t go boating on t he lake. (3)变成并列句,用分号连接: The wind was blowing very hard; couldn’t go boating on t he lake. (4)变成并列句,用分号加连接性副连接: The wind was blowing very hard ,therefore, they couldn’t go boating on lake. (5)变成并列句,有时也可以用冒接,这时第二个分句解释说明第一个分句 They couldn’t go boating on the lake; the wind was blowing very hard. (6)变成复合句: As the wind was blowing very hard they couldn’t go boating on t he lake. (7)用独立主格结构改写句子: The wind blowing very hard, they couldn’t go boating on t he lake. 看了以上雅思写作提分技巧,如果大家在词汇和语法有一定累积的基础上,再避免出现中式英语的东西,加上观点的正确性,我想那些雅思考生想拿到雅思写作六分七分,应该可以如愿以偿的。最后祝愿大家在新的一年里,能够顺利通过雅思考试,拿到心中的分数。 最新热文推荐: (编辑:JIE)
