
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-07-14 10:28:54


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第四部分:填句补文(第26〜30题,每题2分,共 10分)

A Lucky Pen

“Mommy, I ve got something for you!” George ran through the door after school one day. He waved something above his head. “See, it s a lucky pen!” -1- I looked at the pen in my hand. There was nothing special about it. But I didn’t realize how special it was at that moment.I had made the decision to pursue a career in writing. -2- I had dreamed about it for a long time but I was afraid to take a chance. I was scared of rejection.The night before, I had voiced those fears to my husband when I thought George wasn’t listening. But George must have overheard us. Now he stood in front of me, watching me examine the pen. “You don’t have to be scared now,” he said. “This pen will make your stories great and everyone will love you.” Tears filled my eyes,- 3 -Rejection didn’t seem like such a big deal any more. Even if I never sold the first story, I had everything I could ever need. George in my life!I found out later how lucky I was when I heard what he did to get the pen. During lunch break at school that day, George heard a boy talking about a lucky pen he had. -4- The boy was a tough negotiator but George didn’t give up. In the end, he traded his lunch, his favorite cartoon book, and his new football, his most prized possession for that pen. Just to make me feel better-5- It never fails to remind me just how lucky I am! I am the luckiest mother in the world now and forever.


27. ______

28. ______

29. ______

30. ______

A. He got it as a birthday gift.

B. It was a decision full of fear and anxiety for me.

C. He wanted to get it for me.

D. He handed me the pen happily and proudly.

E. I grabbed him and pulled him tight against me.

F. I still have that pen, though it s long out of ink


26. D

27. B

28. E

29. C

30. F


26. “他高兴地、自豪地把钢笔递给我”与后面“我看手中的笔”相承接。

27. 由段首句提到的the decision可以得出答案。

28. 由泪水充满眼眶(激动)可以得出答案(我紧紧抓住他)

29. 前一句“乔治听到一个男孩正在谈论他所拥有的一支幸运钢笔”与后面“他想为我得到它”相承接。

30. “我仍然有那支笔,尽管它很长时间没墨水了”与后面“它永远能提醒我我是多么幸运”相承接。

