
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2017-02-02 18:10:18

3.The girl used to be ____________(尴尬的)in public places,but now she is used to making a speech. 4.He simplified the ____________(说明)so that the children could understand them. 5.Our teacher is showing us a new ____________(方法)of doing things. 6.Believe it or not,I have never seen a better film.It is really ____________(令人吃惊的). Ⅱ.选词填空 nothing like;similar to;amaze;impress;in other words 1. I bought some new shoes which are ____________ ____________a pair I had before. 2.She was ____________ when she heard I had won. 3.Mary is tall while her sister is short.She is __________ her sister. 4.You didn’t pass the driving test.____________,you failed in the test. 5.It ____________ me that he remembered my name. Ⅲ.单项填空 1.The ________ expression on her face suggested she was ________ when she heard the news. A.amazing;amazed B.amazed;amazing C.amazed;amazed D.amazing;amazing 2.Tom,________.Don’t forget the school rules. A.behave yourself B.please yourself C.help yourself D.forget yourself 3.We’ve enjoyed having you on board and look forward ________ you again in the near future. A.to see B.to seeing C.at seeing D.on seeing 4.—There is________like a holiday to make one feel relaxed. —That’s________so many people enjoy themselves traveling. A.nothing;why B.something;because C.nothing;because D.something;why 【教师答疑代码1030330001】 5.Be sure to read the ________ on the bottle before taking the medicine. A.methods B.ways C.instructions D.means 6.Americans eat vegetables per person today________as they did in 1910. A.more than twice B.as twice as many C.twice as many D.more than twice as many 【教师答疑代码1030330002】 7.For our homework tonight,we have to write a________of the park we have visited. A.revision B.length C.message D.description 8.My attitude________him is that of a friend. A.to B.as C.on D.for 9.The first time I toured the Great Wall,I was deeply impressed________the beautiful scenery. A.with B.on C.to D.for 10.—I’m going to attend John’s birthday party tonight. —________. A.All right B.Have fun C.That’s right D.That’s great Ⅳ.阅读理解 Education for Japanese children is free for the first nine years and all children must go to school for six years of primary schooling and three years of secondary schooling.In the primary and secondary schools,about 99.9 percent of school-age children are present.School usually begins at 8 o’clock in the morning and ends at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on weekdays and at noon Saturdays.The school year begins in April and ends in March.There is a summer holiday in August and a winter holiday during the New Year season. After nine years of schooling,students can enter the three-year high school by passing an examination and by paying a small charge each year.After high school,students can go on to study at various types of colleges,usually for four years.There are also two-year junior colleges. 1.When do Japanese students have a summer holiday? A.September. B.August. C.July. D.June. 2.The passage mainly discusses about ________. A.colleges in Japan B.free education in Japan C.education in Japan D.school time in Japan 3.How many days do the Japanese students have to go to school every week? A.Not known. B.Four and a half days. C.Five days. D.Five and a half days. 4.If you want to go to high school in Japan,you must ________. A.pay a small amount of money B.study at primary and secondary school for 9 years C.take part in the exam and pay a little money D.pass the exam and pay a little money 5.In Japan most students study at college for________ years. A.two B.three C.four D.five Ⅴ.阅读表达 Do you ever stay up late to play video games or watch TV? If so,you may want to think twice the next time.Experts say even one more hour of sleep a night counts (很重要).A new study shows that more sleep can help kids do better in school. For two nights,a group of kids who took part in the study went to bed at their usual bedtime.After that,they were given tests for memory and attention span(注意广度).Both of these things are important for learning in school. On the third night,some kids went to bed one hour earlier than usual.Others went to bed one hour later.The next day,experts tested the kids again.Here is what the experts found:The kids who slept one more hour improved their test scores.The kids who lost an hour of sleep did not improve their scores. Most third graders need at least nine hours of sleep each night,experts say.However,studies show that many kids are not sleeping enough.That can make it hard for them to pay attention in school. Going to bed early is not easy,experts agree,but it’s worth it! One_more_hour_of_sleep_may_mean_the_difference_between_doing_well_and_falling_asleep_in_class. 1.What does the passage mainly tell us?(no more than 10 words) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.What are the important things for learning in school according to the second paragraph?(no more than 10 words) ________________________________________________________________________ 3.What can make it hard for kids to pay attention in school according to the passage?(no more than 10 words) ________________________________________________________________________ 4.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? For two nights,the kids who joined in the study went to sleep at their usual time. ________________________________________________________________________ 5.Translate the underlined part into Chinese. ________________________________________________________________________ 课时训练2 Section Ⅲ Listening,Everyday English and Function,Cultural Corner Ⅰ.品句填词 1.Praise acts as an____________(鼓励)to the young. 2.I think there is too much____________(误解)between them. 3.I didn’t get much____________(乐趣)out of that novel. 4.The____________(改正)of all my mistakes took nearly an hour. 5.A____________(文凭)is very important in finding a job. 6.It is not easy to educate____________(少年). Ⅱ.选词填空 take part in;divide;a bit;cover;disappear 1.She wanted to ____________ the activity but she was too ill. 2.It will be easiest if we __________ them into groups. 3.They were hoping to ____________ 40 miles yesterday. 4.She tries to do ____________ of exercise every day. 5.David watched her car until it ____________ from view. Ⅲ.单项填空 1.We ________ the cake ________ ten parts,and each of us took one share. A.divided;from B.divided;into C.separated;from D.separated;by 2.Will you________us________singing the song? A.join;in B.take part;in C.attend;in D.join;with 3.—May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters? —Sorry,but all of them are out to________the main events of the day. A.get B.find C.cover D.search 4.—Oh,dear!I’ve just broken a window. —________.It can’t be helped. A.Never mind B.All right C.That’s fine D.Not at all 5.—Skating’s just a matter of practice. —Yes,well,________. A.so diving is B.so has diving C.so is diving D.so diving has 【教师答疑代码1030330003】 6.—We are having a party this evening. —________. A.For fun B.Make fun C.Have fun D.Get a fun 7.China Daily is________a newspaper;it can help us with our English. A.no more than B.more than C.not more than D.better than 8.I am going to take a trip to Europe________this month.
