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句子大全 2016-11-18 07:59:38

Like most people, I have several pet subjects – that may or may not be interesting to other people. Don’t get me started on happiness, or habits, or children’s literature, or Winston Churchill, unless you really want to talk about it. 和多数人一样,我有那么几种喜欢的聊天话题——而那对其他人而言或许不那么有趣。别和我谈论有关幸福、习惯、儿童文学或者温斯顿-丘吉尔的话题,除非你真的想谈论那些。 By noting how I behave when I’m trying to hide my own boredom, I came up with a list of indicators that I might be boring someone: 通过注意我自己试图掩盖无聊时的动作,我想出了一些我可能令别人感到无聊了的征兆。 1. Repeated, perfunctory responses. A person who says, “Oh really? Oh really? That’s interesting. Oh really?” is probably not very engaged. Or a person who keeps saying, “That’s hilarious.” 1.重复、敷衍的回答。一个总是说“哦,是吗?哦,是吗?太有趣了。哦,是吗?”的人恐怕对谈话没什么兴趣。 2. Simple questions. People who are bored ask simple questions. “When did you move?” “Where did you go?” People who are interested ask more complicated questions that show curiosity, not mere politeness. 2.提简单的问题。人们感到无聊时会问简单的问题。“你什么时候搬家的?”“你去哪儿了?”真正感兴趣的人会问些更复杂的问题,那表现出了他们的好奇,而不仅仅是出于礼貌。 3. Interruption. Although it sounds rude, interruption is actually a good sign, I think. It means a person is bursting to say something, and that shows interest. Similarly… 3.打断。虽然那听上去有些粗鲁,但我认为打断别人实际上是个很好的信号。那意味着某人非常想要说些什么,也表现了他的兴趣。以此类推…… 4. Imbalance of talking time. I suspect that many people fondly suppose that they do eighty percent of the talking because people find them fascinating. Sometimes, it’s true, a discussion involves a huge download of information; that’s a very satisfying kind of conversation. In general, though, people want to add their own opinions, information, and experiences. If they aren’t doing that, they may just want the conversation to end faster. 4.说话时间的不平衡。我估计很多人都天真地认为他们之所以80%的时间都在讲话是因为听的人觉得他们很有趣。有时候,当这个对话包含了大量的信息时,这是对的,这会是一次非常愉快的谈话。但是总体而言,人们总是希望谈他们自己的看法、知识或者经验。假如他们不那么做,或许他们仅仅希望谈话早点结束而已。
