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句子大全 2016-06-04 01:24:29

对于许多家庭而言,圣诞节是一年中非常特殊的时刻,这是个朋友和家人可以相聚,共同庆祝的时刻。也是个团结相聚,彼此祝福的时刻。如果你并不庆祝圣诞节,你可以有其他特别的庆祝,能够拉近你与你所爱的人的距离,比如开斋节、排灯节、感恩节或光明节。下列这些表达能够在任何场合使用!只需将“圣诞节”更换为你自己的特殊场合就好。 Thank you for the wonderful Christmas present. 谢谢你精美的圣诞节礼物。 Thank you for the Christmas wishes. 谢谢你的圣诞祝福。 Sending special thanks to you this Christmas. 圣诞节之际,送去我特别的感谢。 I’d like to say a warm thank you to you this Christmas. 我想在这个圣诞节,对你说声谢谢。 Thank you for making me feel special this Christmas. 谢谢你让这个圣诞节变得不同。 Thank you so much for making my Christmas so special. 非常感谢谢你让我的这个圣诞节与众不同。 Thanks for the Christmas gifts; I love them! 谢谢你的圣诞礼物,我很喜欢! It has been a very special Christmas thanks to you. Happy Holidays. 因为你,这是个非常特别的圣诞节。假期快乐。 Thank you Santa! The children loved your gifts. 谢谢你圣诞老人!孩子们都特别喜欢你的礼物。 Thank you for inviting us to your beautiful home for Christmas. 谢谢您圣诞节邀请我们到您家做客。 Thank you for the wonderful Christmas feast! 谢谢您的款待! Thank you for including us in your Christmas festivities. 谢谢你邀请我们共庆圣诞。 Thank you for hosting Christmas dinner; it was divine. 谢谢您的圣诞晚餐,美妙极了。 Thank you for a memorable Christmas gathering. 谢谢这次难忘的圣诞聚会。 You are a very gracious host. Thank you for the warm invite. 您是个非常亲切和蔼的主人。谢谢您的热情款待。 I really appreciate the gift card, thank you so much! 我真的特别喜欢这张礼物卡片,太谢谢了! Thank you for such a practical gift. 谢谢你送的如此实用的礼物。 Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card. 谢谢你的精美的圣诞贺卡。 We all appreciate the lovingly wrapped gifts. Thank you so much! 礼物包装精美,十分可爱,我们都特别喜欢。非常感谢! Sending you wishes of joy and happiness in return. 同样祝你幸福快乐。 Thank you for spreading the Christmas cheer. 谢谢你带来圣诞欢乐。 What a magical Christmas experience! Thank you. 多么奇妙的圣诞经历!谢谢你。 具体情境: “I’d like to say a very warm thank you to you this Christmas. Thank you for making us feel so special. Merry Christmas” “我想在这个圣诞节,对你说声谢谢。谢谢你让我们的圣诞节与众不同。圣诞快乐。” “Thank you for inviting us to your beautiful home for Christmas! You are a very gracious host and we had a magical time. Warm Wishes.” “谢谢您圣诞节邀请我们到您家做客!您的热情款待让我们度过了一段奇妙时光。温馨祝愿。” “What a wonderful Christmas feast, thank you ever so much! We had a lovely time.” “谢谢您的热情款待,十分感谢!我们玩得非常愉快。” “Thank you for the beautiful Christmas presents. How thoughtful of you!” “谢谢你精美的圣诞礼物。你太贴心了。” “Thank you for the Christmas parcel. Sending you wishes of joy and happiness in return.” “谢谢你的圣诞包裹。同样祝你幸福快乐。” 向上司表达感谢 日常生活中,和经理、主任以及工作上位于高位的他人说话都十分困难,更别说向他们表示感谢了。特别是如果他们给了你某些你确实十分需要的东西,比如延长假期,专业扶持甚至是升职!如果你希望他们明白你是多么感谢他们,使用合适的言语十分重要。因为他们是你的上司,所以仅说谢谢并不够。 Thank you for extending compassion and flexibility when I needed it. 谢谢您在我需要的时候,给予我的体谅和关照。 As a supervisor, you are truly inspirational to your staff. 作为领导者,您总能鼓舞人心。 Your strong leadership skills along with your support has earned you much deserved respect. 您高超的领导才能和支持赢得了您应得的尊重。 Your support and dedication to your team has earned you much deserved admiration. 您对团队的支持和所做的贡献不禁让人钦佩。 I am thankful to be a part of your team. 我十分感谢能够成为您团队的一员。 The workers have seen your dedication, and we would like to express our appreciation. 您的奉献有目共睹,我们想要表达我们的感谢。 We are grateful for your kindness, loyalty and commitment to all of us. 我们十分感谢您对我们所有人的友好忠实,信守诺言。 If there ever was a boss who deserves praise and adulation, that person is 若有老板理应获得称赞,那便是您! Thank you for providing us with such a great working environment. 谢谢您为我们提供了这么好的工作环境。 I want to thank you for the expression of faith in my abilities. 谢谢您对我能力的信任。 I would like to sincerely thank you for this gesture. 我想要真诚地感谢您的表示。 Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude for this opportunity you have given me. 请允许我表达自己最真挚的感谢,谢谢您能给我这次机会。 I value the trust you have put into me and will work hard to maintain 我十分珍惜您对我的信任,我将努力保持。 Thank you very much for putting your trust in me and agreeing to my extended holiday request. 非常感谢您对我的信任,同意我延长假期的请求。 I am eternally grateful for your trust, and appreciate you allowing me to have this time off work. 我十分感谢您对我的信任,感谢您能允许我请假。 Thank you for your support, guidance and encouragement. 谢谢您的支持,指引和鼓励。 Thank you for the opportunities you provided, and for having faith in 谢谢您能给我这次机会,谢谢您的信任。 I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for giving me this opportunity. 我由衷地感谢您能给我这次机会。 具体情境: “I would like to sincerely thank you for such a fantastic opportunity. I appreciate your faith in my abilities and will certainly do my very best to meet your expectations.” “我真诚地感谢您给予我的这次极好的机会。感谢您对我能力的信任,我会竭尽全力达到您的期望。” “Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude for this opportunity you have given me. I am eternally grateful for the trust you have put in me and will work hard to maintain it.” “请允许我表达我最真挚的感谢,谢谢您给我这次机会。我十分感谢您对我的信任,我将努力保持。“ “Thank you for extending compassion and flexibility when I needed it. As a supervisor, you are truly inspirational to your staff.” 谢谢您在我需要的时候,给予我的体谅和关照。作为领导者,您总能鼓舞人心。 (编辑:何莹莹)
