
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2016-01-03 19:54:30

do away with “废除(规矩等)”、 “铲除(陋习等)”。formality “拘泥形式”、 “拘谨”。 thought “想法”、 “意见”。exactly “正确地”、 “确实如此”、 “一点没错”。直译是“我的想法正是这样”。 Let’s forget about formalities. We can do away with the formalities. 我们先喝杯啤酒吧。 What would you like to order? (你想点什么?) Let’s begin with beer. (我们先喝杯啤酒吧。) Let’s have a beer first. Let’s start with a beer. 干一杯! Let’s have a toast! (干一杯!) Okay, raise your glass. (好, 举起杯!) toast有“烤面包”的意思, 这里指“祝酒”、 “干杯”的意思。但是并不能像“Cheers!”那样说“Toast!”。 I’d like to propose a toast. (我想干一杯。) What are we celebrating? (庆祝什么?) would like to ... “想做……”。propose “建议”。 Let’s toast each other. Here’s to you. I want to propose a toast. I’d like to make a toast. 我要为我们的友谊干杯。 I’d like to toast our friendship. (我要为我们的友谊干杯。) I’ll drink to that. (干杯。) toast “干杯”。friendship “友情”。 Let’s drink a toast to our friendship. I’d like to make a toast to our friendship. 为你的成功干杯! I usually don’t drink, but tonight is special. (我一般不喝酒, 但是今天晚上特殊。) Here’s to your success! (为你的成功干杯!) success “成功”。 Here’s to your health! (为你的健康干杯!) To your health! (祝你健康!) Here’s to your future! (为你的未来干杯!) To our happiness! (为我们的幸福干杯!) Cheers! (干杯!) Cheers! (干杯!) 干杯的习惯用语。在英国也有“Thank you.(谢谢)”的意思。 Drink up. (喝吧。 ) Cheers! (干杯!) Bottoms up! Here’s to you! Here’s mud in your eye! 习惯用语。 诸位, 啤酒我请客。 Beer is on me, everyone. (诸位, 啤酒我请客。) Alright! (太好了!) 请别人的时候可以这么说。on也有“ (饭钱等)由……结账”、 “ 由……负担”的意思。 I’ll buy everyone a beer. I’ll treat you all to a beer. treat “招待”。 This round is on me. 这句话只能用在饭店、 酒吧等席间。
