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雅思写作高分句型分享 这些句子应试用得到

句子大全 2015-08-13 12:59:38


强调句是雅思写作中的拿分句,但运用的不好也容易变成丢分句,强调句一共有五种形式,第一类是对动词进行强调,常是dodoesdid+V的形式,例如:Sitting in front of the screen does damage the eye and physical posture of children.或者是Some people do believe that the over use of chemicals(e.g.Fertilizers and pesticides)do pose a threat to the well-being of local people.都是属于对动词进行强调。

第二种是由what引导的主从句可表强调,例如:What really matters is cooperation.或是What is related to the economic collapse is the failure of the government s policies.这类的。

第三种是用双重否定来表强调,例如:We can not deny that receiving the distance education is never without drawbacks.或者It is not unrealistic for the government to reduce the amount of waste.都是用双重否定来表示强调的。

第四种是比较状语表强调的,例如:Nothing is more imperative than to learn from the past.或是Nothing is more important than to develop the children s ability of learning on their own.还有Students would have greater capability to deal with their academic life than those who do not have the gap year spent in working or travelling.都属于对状语进行强调的。

最后一种,是用强调句型来表示强调,一般句型为It is/was+被强调的成分+that/who,所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但必须保证其结构完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等,但不能是定语或谓语。

例如:It is teachers who are competent to instruct their students to be a good social member.此句是对主语强调。

It is through job training that the young unemployed would have the opportunity to get jobs again.此句是对状语进行强调。

It is the large company which the public think polluting the water supply.这个句子是对宾语进行了强调。



1、It is reported that据报道

2、It is estimated that据估计

3、It must be stressed out that必须得着重指出

4、Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something.没有。。。能像。。。这样毁誉参半

5、Something leave much to be desired.远不能令人满意

6、A is to B what C is to D.A对于B正如C对于D

7、Never does something fail to fascinate us in modern society在当地社会总是能吸引人们眼球

8、It is no over statement to say that可以毫不夸张地说

9、It is no exaggeration to say that可以毫不夸张地说

10、Something is a good case in point.就是一个绝佳的例子

11、The ever-accelerated updating of something has brought about both chances and challenges.

12、It iswas+被强调部份+thatwho+原句剩余部份.正是。。。才。。。

13、Something is in dispensable to somebody in this updating society.在这样一个不断发展的社会,对于人们来说不可或缺。

14、On the one hand,一方面

15、On the other hand,另一方面

16、An argument occasionally these days is whether近来一种观点说

17、For example,举个例子

18、For instance,举个例子

19、To illustrate,举个例子

20、As an illustration,举个例子
