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2019中考英语:重点单词 短语用法大总结(一)

句子大全 2015-06-02 01:42:02

花费时间做某事:It takes sbsometime to do sth.=sb spend sometime(in)doing sth.=sb spend some time on sth. 某人花钱买某物: sb spendsome money on sth . = sb pay some money for sth . = sthcost sb . some money . ※ spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。 ※ spent 还可以指 度过 How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan . =I_______ 90 yuan for the sweater .=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater . He spent lots of money ________ themobilephone . It ________ her 20 minutes to go homeeveryday . = He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day .

◆2 . thanks for为 而感谢

⑴ ______inviting me to your birthday party . thanks to 多亏/由于 ⑵______ your help.I got good grades .

◆3 . 感叹句:多么 what + 名词

how + 形容词 / 副词 ⑴. ______ badweather !⑵. ______ hard he works ! ⑶. ______ freshvegetables ! ⑷. ______ cuteamonkey it is !

◆4 . 因为、由于: because( 连词 ) +从句: ( 表示原因 )

because of(介词短语) + 名词(短语 )= thanks to ⑴ I didn t go to school ______ I had a headache . He was late for class ______ the badweather. He can t come _____ heisill . Many people have a cold _____ thecoldweather . ※because和 so不能同时连用 .

◆5 . 来自: be from = come from

⑴ Where areyou from ? = Where ______ you ______ ______ ? ⑵ He is fromTibet . = He ______ ______ Tibet .

◆6 . How often 对频率提问( 多久一次) 回答用表示频率的副词或短语

How long 对一段时间提问 (多久 ) 回答用表示一段时间的状语 How soon 对将来时间提问 ( 多久 ) 回答用 in+时间段 How far 询问多长距离(多长) ⑴- ______ haveyou been collecting the kites ? -For ten years . ⑵- ______ do yougo shopping ? -Sometimes. ⑶ - ______will your father come back ? - In two years . ⑷- _____ do youexercise ? - Once a week . ⑸- _____ is itfrom your home to school ? - About ten miles . ⑹- _____ are youstaying there ? - Two weeks .

◆7 . 乘交通工具: take a / the +交通工具在句中作谓语

by+交通工具=on a 交通工具在句中作方式状语 交通工具有:train/bus/car/taxi/boat/subway/plane ⑴ He takes abus to bank .= He goes to bank by bus . = He goes tobank on a bus . ⑵ I walk toschool . = I go to school ______ . ※骑自行车、马或驴用ride : ride one s bike / ride a horse / ride a donkey inone s car

◆8 . 对不起: Excuse me (劳驾,客套话)

Sorry ( 表示道歉 ) ⑴ ______.Where is Tianfu Square in Chengdu ? ⑵ Would you mindcleaning your room ? - ______ . I ll do itrightaway . ⑶- Don t eat in class . - _____ . Ms Clark . ⑷ _____ , isthis the way to the station ?

◆9 . 声音: sound ( 自然界各种声音 )

noise(噪音) voice(悦耳的声音:嗓子) ⑴Lucy has a sweet______ . ⑵That ______ like agood idea . ⑶Don t make ______ . The baby is sleeping .

◆10 . look like (外貌看起来像 )

be like ( 性格像 ) ⑴Lily _____ _____Lucy . Oh , they are twins . ⑵ Tony______ ______ a monkey because he is cute and playful .

◆11 . take to 带去

bring to 带来 fetch 没有方向性(强调来回) ⑴ Tony .______ the ball here .Please . ⑵ My fatheroften ______ me ______ concerts on Sundays . ⑶ ______your homework _____ school tomorrow .

◆12. 一些: some 用于肯定句

any 用于否定句和疑问句 ⑴ I d like ______ milk . ⑵ Would you like______ yogurt ? _ Thanks . I don t want______ . ※在一般疑问句中,认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到对方肯定回答时,也用some .

◆13. 多少: How many修饰可数名词复数

How much 修饰不可数名词 ⑴ ______juice do you want ? ⑵ ______apples doyou want ? ⑶- ______is theT-shirt ? It s 30 yuan . ※ How much可对价钱提问:How much are the potatoes ?

◆14.看 :see 强调看的结果

look ( at ) 不及物动词,强调看的动作 watch 观看:比赛、电视、表演、电影 read 读,朗读:看书、看报、看信、看杂志 ⑴Don t______ in bed . ⑵ We will______ a basketball game this evening . ⑶ Please ______the blackboard . Everyone . ⑷ I ______ abird in the tree yesterday . ※On Saturdaynight . I saw an interesting talk show . On Saturday evening . several kidswatcheda movie . watch a movie =go to a movie

◆15. stop doingsth 停止做某事 Please stop talking.

stop to do sth 停下来去做别的事 ⑴ The girlsoon stopped ______ (cry ) . ⑵ Hewastired and stopped ______ (have ) a rest .

◆16. forget /remember后接不定式表示未发生的动作:

△forget /remember to do sth(忘记/记得去做某事) Heforgot to turn off the light .(没有做关灯的动作) Remember to go to the post officeafter school . forget / remember 后接ving表示已发生的动作: △forget /remember doing sth(忘记/记得做过某事) Heforgot turningoff the light .(已做过关灯的动作) Don t you rememberseeing the man before ?

◆17. 到达 reach + 地点

get to + 地点 reach = get to arrive + in + 大地点 arrive + at + 小地点 ⑴ He reachedLondon yesterday . = He ______ to London yesterday . =He ______ in Londonyesterday . ⑵ Shearrived ______ the bus station just now . ⑶ Youshould______ ( get ) home on time . ※当get to和 arrive at /in后接地点副词时,都不加介词。如:get home get there 省略 to

◆18. 擅长,在 方面做得好: be good at = do well in .

⑴ She isgood at chemistry . = She ______ ______ ______ chemistry . ⑵ Niuniu isgood at ______ the violin . = Niuniu ______ well in______ the violin . ⑶ Lucy andLily are twin girls .Lucy is better ______ dancing thanLily .but Lily ___________ in singing than Lucy .

◆19. win (赢得 )接a game、 war 、a match、 a prize

beat( 打败、战胜 )接运动员、球队、对手等。 ⑴ Which team______ the football match ? ⑵ Wang Hao______ Ma Lin and ______ the champion of the Men s Singles .

◆20. 借 borrow sth . from sb = borrow sb .sth 向某人借某物 borrow借入

lend sth . to sb = lend sb . sth把某物借给某人 lend 借出 keep延续性动词 ,与一段时间连用。 ⑴ Can youlend me your bike ? = Can you ______ your bike ______ me ? ⑵ You canborrow some money ____ your brother . = You can borrowyourbrother ____ ____. ⑶ - How longcan I ______ the book ? - You can _____ it for two weeks . ※类似用法的还有:buy have put on wear become be leave be away from open be openbegin be on die be deadreturn be back ① become Hehas ______ a doctor . He has ______ a doctor for 10 years . ② begin Thefilm has ______ . The film has _________ for ten minutes .
