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2018年12月英语四六级考试答案新鲜出炉!2018年英语四六级考试卷一卷二答案汇总 英语

句子大全 2015-04-21 08:36:23

讯 今日,2018上半年全国大学生英语四六级考试开始啦!小编为大家整理一下2018年6月英语四级试的答案,希望对考生有所帮助。

四级写作答案作文一:写作能力的重要性以及如何培养写作能力 For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay on “The Importance of Writing Ability and How to Develop It “You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.

【沪江网校参考范文】No body could deny that writing is one of the basic abilities for men. Put it another way, it is unlikely to imagine human civilization without writing ability. At the top of the list, if we overlook the significance of writing ability, we will suffer a great difficulty in our daily written communication. In addition to what has been mentioned above, it is advisable for us to attach importance to this ability because writing plays a key in our academic performance. To summarize,writing does carry a positive implication for our life and study. In view of the great value of writing ability, we should take actions to develop this capability. For my part, initially, we are supposed to keep in mind that reading is the first step of writing, so we should read great books as many as possible, learning from the great works how to write concisely and effectively. Moreover, owing to the fact that practice makes perfect, we should frequently practice writing; for example, we may develop the habit of keeping a diary.


A)The return of a bottled message to its owner s daughter.2. B)She wanted to honor her father s promise.3. B)Several cases of Zika disease had been identified.4. C)It lost a huge stock of bees.5. A)It stayed in the air for about two hours.6. C)Inadequate funding.7. D)It is more environmentally friendly.8. A)It seems a depressing topic.9. D)They can t make it to the theater.10. C)It is the most amusing show he has ever seen.11. B)Go and see the dance.12. D)She worries she won t fit in as a transfer student.13. C)Participate in after-school activities.14. A)Give her help whenever she needs.15. D)She has just transferred to college.16. B)To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.17. A)When they are hungry.18. C)They prefer to be with other mice.19. D)It is one of the best in the world.20. B)To move troops quickly from place to place.21. A)In the 1970s.22. B)Messaging while driving23. D)A device to ensure people drive with both hands.24. C)They are alerted with a light and a sound.25. B)Using a connected app.

四级阅读答案选词填空一(沪江网校版):二十世纪四十年代起南加州严重的空气污染以及对人们身体造成的伤害26. M)pollutants27. N)restricted28. C)consequence29. J)innovation30. F)detail31. K)intended32. L)outdoor33. B)collaborating34. I)inhabitants35. E)creating

长篇阅读一(有道考神版)36. K)A student s yearly expenses on access...37. D)The online access codes may be seen as a way...38. M)If a student takes a course again, they may have to buy a new...39. G)McGraw Hill accounts for over one-fifth of the market share...40. B)Many traditional textbook publishers are now offering online...41. L)One students complained that they now had to...42. H)Digital materials can cost students less than half the prince...43. F)One student decided not to buy her access code until...44. J)Online systems may deprive teachers of opportunities...45 .C)Digital access codes are criticized because they are...

仔细阅读试卷一(沪江网校版)Passage1:城市绿地文章开头为:Living in an urban area with green spaces has a long-lasting positive impact on people s mental well-being, a study has suggested. 46. B) Add to their sustained happiness.47. A)Earn more money.48. C)How long its positive effect lasts.49. D)Their communication with others improved.50. A)Find financial support Passage2:泰坦尼克号文章开头为:You probably know about the Titanic, but it was actually just one of three state-of-the art(最先进的) ocean ships back in the day. 51. C)They all experienced terrible misfortunes.52. B)The utmost comfort passengers could enjoy.53. A)It was a mere piece of decoration.54. D)The belief that they could never sink with a double-layer body.55. D)She was retired after her naval service.

2018年12月英语四六级考试答案新鲜出炉!2018年英语四六级考试卷一卷二答案汇总 英语四级听力原文+答案
