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句子大全 2015-02-23 03:04:28

But beyond such simplicity – especially once you take into account Canada’s multiculturalism – there can be great flexibility. In distinct communities, almost anything goes during a welcome. Migrants in Ukrainian hubs will greet you with three alternating kisses on your cheeks. Same with Persians. Polish immigrants might just wave to you. Others will hug. And yet others will hold you so tight that you aren’t sure if you are merging with their flesh. 但考虑到加拿大的多元文化,在简洁的问候方式外,更是百花齐放。每个群体都有自己独特的迎宾礼节。来自乌克兰和伊朗的亲会行三次贴面礼。波兰亲可能只是挥手致意。有些亲把拥抱当成“见面礼”。还有些亲的拥抱太过猛烈,别人怕是魂都被他挤出来了。 This is part of Canada’s inherent multiculturalism where individual nuances and cultural traditions blend in messy, blossoming ways. But one need not worry about the complexity. The expectation for knowing such intricate greetings is lax at best. Like a good math proof, the formula still applies. It’s the E=Mc2 of Canadianisms. 由此可以窥见加拿大多元文化的特点,个人习惯的点滴融会于文化传统中,二者混合交织,发展繁盛。你不用担心它的复杂性。还真没人期盼对方把这套精细的礼节背成小九九。只要遵循交往的基本原则,你仍然可以“四海为友”。这也是加拿大精神不变的准则。 LOOK OUT FOR QUEBEC 魁北克问候方式一瞥 Admittedly, there are some differences in Quebec. Like its European counterparts where kisses flow like air, Quebecois differentiates their introductions to people. “Tu” is used as an identifying-noun when the person in question is a friend, whereas “vous” is used for people to signify respect and authority. 诚然,魁北克飘满了异域风情。同见面吻如家常便饭一般的法国一样,这里对不同人的称谓也有所区别。“Tu”(“你”)用于指代朋友,而“vous”(“您”)用来体现对方的威望,表达尊敬之意。 But these are details, and in time, you’ll pick them up. Until then, let me extend another electronic handshake your way. I’m also smiling. I hope you are 假以时日,你就能轻松掌握这些细节。到时候,让我再和你隔空握个手吧!我可正咧嘴笑呢,希望你也笑靥如花呀! 更多精彩内容 全国新东方英语课程搜索

