
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-12-24 15:06:10

Every health system in an economically developed society is faced with the need to decide (either formally or informally) what proportion of the community’s total resources should be spent on health-care; how resources are to be apportioned; what diseases and disabilities and which forms of treatment are to be given priority; which members of the community are to be given special consideration in respect of their health needs; and which forms of treatment are the most cost-effective. 难点解析 这是一个难用并列结构堆积出来的“长句不”的典型例子,五个并列结构分别描述了医疗体系需要考虑的五方面问题,单独看每个子句的用词和结构,都是简单而且清楚的。 句子分析 子句类型主句 连 接 词无逻辑连接词 子句内容Every health system in an economically developed society is faced with the need to decide something (either formally or informally). 语法分析Every health system [主语] in an economically developed society [定语] is faced with [谓语] the need [宾语] to decide something [定语] (either formally or informally). [状语] 子句翻译一个经济发达的社会的每一种医疗体系,无论正式还是非正式,都需要面对某些决定。 子句类型宾语从句 连 接 词无逻辑连接词 子句内容What proportion of the community’s total resources should be spent on health-care. 语法分析What proportion of the community’s total resources [主语] should be spent [谓语] on health-care. [状语] 子句翻译应该把社会全部资源的多大比例用于卫生保健。 子句类型定语从句 连 接 词无逻辑连接词 子句内容Which members of the community are to be given special consideration in respect of their health needs. 语法分析Which members of the community [主语] are to be given [谓语] special consideration [宾语] in respect of their health needs. [定语] 子句翻译由于其健康方面的需求,哪些社会成员应该被给予特殊关注。 子句类型宾语从句 连 接 词无逻辑连接词 子句内容What diseases and disabilities and which forms of treatment are to be given priority. 语法分析What diseases and disabilities [主语] and [连接词] which forms of treatment [主语] are to be given [谓语] priority. [宾语] 子句翻译什么样的疾病和残疾,以及哪种类型的治疗应该被优先考虑。
