
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-10-01 06:30:00

三、图画作文:流行文化 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on the impact of the Internet on interpersonal relationship. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 预测范文 It is subtly revealed in the portrayal that a mother and a father are sitting in front of a computer. Astonished by their son’s blog, they are regretting that they should check more often to know their son’s present situation. The impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. As a college student, I get on line every day to discuss news with other people on Microblog, to study English by registering for web courses, to chat freely through WeChat with my friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and relatives. Once indulged in the fictitious world, people feel reluctant to approach others and to concentrate on real life. Hence, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all, Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach. 参考译文 这幅漫画微妙地描述了一位母亲和一位父亲正坐在电脑前。他们惊讶于孩子的博客内容,并后悔应该经常浏览以了解孩子的现状。 这张令人印象深刻的图画象征性揭示了人与网络之间的双重关系。一方面,不可否认网络目前是用于人际交流的最高效媒介之一。作为一名大学生,我每天上网与他人在微博上讨论新闻,通过注册网络课程来学习英语,借助微信和我的朋友们免费聊天。但另一方面,很多人承认他们太沉迷于网络而不愿与亲友保持面对面接触。一旦沉迷于这种虚幻世界,人们不愿接近他人并关注现实生活。 因此,我们很有必要以一种合理的方式使用互联网,避免过度沉迷。毕竟,人们发明互联网是为了连接你和我,为我们的生活带来方便,而非设置障碍使人彼此疏远。 亮点词汇 Subtly微妙地 reveal描述 portrayal漫画 astonish惊讶 present situation现状 impressive令人印象深刻的 portrayal漫画 subtly微妙地 reveal揭示 duality双重性 relationship关系 on the one hand一方面 there is no denying that不可否认 currently目前 efficient高效的 media媒体 interpersonal communication人际交流 Microblog微博 register注册 web courses网络课程 chat聊天 WeChat微信 on the other hand另一方面 a good many很多 admit承认 are addicted to沉迷于 maintain face-to-face contact保持面对面的接触 relative亲戚 indulge in沉迷于 fictitious虚幻的 feel reluctant to不愿意 approach other与他人接近 concentrate on real life关注现实 hence因此 it is necessary for us to我们必须 in a reasonable way以合理的方式 restrain from overindulgence避免过度沉迷 after all毕竟 invent发明 connect联系 bring conveniences带来方便 rather than而不是 set a barrier设置障碍 keep people beyond reach使人们无法接触 道长点评 国内写作考试中已经反复考察“手机”与“网络”话题,2007年专业四级写作考查“是否应该网上交友”,2009年考研写作考察“网络的近与远”,2012年6月六级写作考察“网络对人际关系的影响”,2013年12月四级写作考察“网络对学习的影响”和“网络对人们沟通的影响”,2015年6月四级写作考察“这种现代生活”。与此类似,国内写作考试中也反复考察与之类似的“手机”这一话题,如2009年MBA写作考察“手机短信”,2010年考研英语(二)写作考查“手机入网”,2013年12月四级写作考察“手机在人们生活中越来越多的使用”,2015年6月四级写作考察“如果我的手机已经知道一切,为什么我还要上学”,2015年12月六级写作考察the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology(尽管信息技术发达但获取有用信息困难)和the harm caused by misleading information online(网络信息误导所造成的危害)。 句型拓展 1.Unfortunately, it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the mobile phones when they attempt to communicate. 然而,看来相当讽刺的地方是,这幅图呈现了他们在试图互相交流的同时,却被手机彼此隔开。 2.Living in the vortex of message-laden space that is riddled with springs of information renewed almost every minute, we open the window to hybrid ideas through which we may see far beyond our own narrow scopes. 生活在一个充斥着各种信息并且这些信息几乎每分钟都在更新的空间里,我们可以接触到各种各样的观点,而这些观点远不是我们通过自己狭小的视角所能看到的。 3.If always locked in the single cell of one’s small world, one risks reiterating the journey whose ends are spiritual impasses as it tenders us nothing but a reservoir of repeated ideas of a metaphysical desperado. 如果我们总是锁在自己狭小的世界里,我们的精神之旅就有局限在死巷之内并只能在那里不断徘徊的危险,因为自我的世界给我们提供的不过是一种重复地止步不前的观点。
