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英语天天读 人教版

句子大全 2014-09-27 13:56:58

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序号 短语 例句 英语 汉语 英语 汉语 1 look up 查阅;抬头看 I looked them up in a dictionary. 我在词典上查阅它们。 2 be born with 天生具有 Everyone is born with the ability to learn. 每个人天生具有学习的能力。 3 pay attention to 注意;关注 It is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. 对你来说长时间的关注一件事也可能很容易。 4 connect…with 把…和连接起来 Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting. 好的学习者通常把他们需要学的和有趣的东西联系起来。 5 put on 增加(体重);发胖 I’ve put on five pounds. 我已经胖了五磅。 6 lay out 摆开;布置 He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 他迅速在花园里摆上她最喜欢的水果和点心。 7 end up 最终成为;最后处于 He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. 他警告Scrooge,如果不想最终像他一样,就要改变他的行为方式。 8 Water Festival 泼水节 What fun the Water Festival is! 泼水节真有趣! 9 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival for centuries. 数世纪以来,中国人一直庆祝中秋节。 10 Mother’s Day 母亲节 One is Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May, and the other is Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June. 一个是五月份第二个星期日的母亲节,另一个是六月份第三个星期日的父亲节。 11 Father’s Day 父亲节 12 pass by 路过;经过 On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass byUncle Bob’s. 在去水城餐馆的路上,艾丽斯与何伟路过鲍勃叔叔餐厅。 13 pardon me 抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍 Pardon me, do you know if there’s a restaurant around here? 对不起,您知道这附近是否有家饭店吗? 14 parking lot 停车场;停车区 There’s an underground parking lotover there. 那边有一个地下停车场。 15 from time to time 时常;有时 She still plays the piano from time to time. 她有时候仍会弹钢琴。 16 deal with 应对;处理 Cindy told me that she took up singing to deal with her shyness. Cindy告诉我她开始唱歌来应对害羞。 17 in public 公开地;在别人面前 I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public. 我过去害怕在别人面前演讲。 18 in person 亲身;亲自 She advised them to talk with their son in person. 她建议他们亲自和儿子谈谈。 19 take pride in 为…感到自豪 They take pride in everything good that I do. 他们为我所做的每一件好事而感到自豪。 20 be proud of 为…骄傲;感到自豪 I know my parents love me and they are proud of me. 我知道父母爱我而且以我为傲。 21 be known for 以…闻名 For example,Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. 例如,安溪和杭州都以它们的茶而出名。 22 no matter 不论 No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries. 不论你要买什么,你可能会想那些产品产于那些国家。 23 paper cutting 剪纸 Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. 剪纸听起来非常容易但做起来可能很难。 24 have a point 有道理 You do seem to have a point. 看来你说的确实有点道理。 25 by accident 偶然;意外地 Tea was invented by accident. 茶是偶然被发明的。 26 take place 发生;出现 The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19thcentury. 中国到西方国家的茶叶贸易发生在19世纪。 27 without doubt 毫无疑问;的确 The Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea. 毫无疑问,中国人是最懂得茶的本质的人。 28 all of a sudden 突然;猛地 The earthquake happened all of a sudden, but luckily the villagers were brought to a safe place. 地震突然发生,但是幸运的是,村民被带到了一个安全的地方。 29 by mistake 错误地;无意中 Potato chips were invented by mistake. 薯条是无意中发明的。 30 the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会 Basketball became an event at the Olympics in 1936. 篮球于1936年成为奥运会的一个项目。 31 divide…into… 把…分开 Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams. 奈史密斯把他班男生分为两个队。 32 not only…but also…. 不但…而且… Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch. 篮球运动不仅已经成为一种受欢迎的玩的运动,而且也已经成为一项受欢迎的观赏运动。 33 look up to 钦佩;仰慕 Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. 许多年轻人钦佩这些篮球英雄,并且想成为像他们一样的人。 34 talk back 回嘴;顶嘴 I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我后悔反驳,没有听妈妈的话。 35 keep… away from 避免接近;远离 Do you think we must keepteenagers away fromthe Internet? 你认为我们必须让青少年远离互联网吗? 36 make one’s own decision 自己做决定 Do you think teenagers should be encouraged tomake their own decisions? 你认为青少年应该被允许自己做决定吗? 37 get in the way of 挡…的路;妨碍 But sometimes these canget in the way oftheir schoolwork. 但是这些可能会影响他们的学业。 38 talk back 回嘴;顶嘴 I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我后悔反驳,没有听妈妈的话。 39 keep… away from 避免接近;远离 Do you think we must keepteenagers away fromthe Internet? 你认为我们必须让青少年远离互联网吗? 40 make one’s own decision 自己做决定 Do you think teenagers should be encouraged tomake their own decisions? 你认为青少年应该被允许自己做决定吗? 41 get in the way of 挡…的路;妨碍 But sometimes these canget in the way oftheir schoolwork. 但是这些可能会影响他们的学业。 43 at the same time 同时;一起 How to express two things happening at the same time? 如何表达两件同时发生的事情? 44 in that case 既然那样 Oh,in that case,I’ll ask someone who likes serious movies. 既然那样,我将叫上喜欢严肃电影的人. 45 Stick to 坚持;固守 While some people stick to only one kind of movie,I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day. 当一些人坚持只看一种电影的时候,我喜欢看不同种类的电影,这取决于我那天的心情。 46 plenty of 大量;充足 Documentaries like March of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting ,but when I’m tired I don’t want to think too much. 像“帝企鹅日记”这样能针对某个特定话题提供丰富的信息的纪录片可能很有趣,但当我太累时,我不愿意思考太多。 47 Shut off 关闭;停止运转 I can just shut off my brain, sit back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero who always saves the world just in time. 我能关闭大脑,坐下来欣赏一个总是能及时拯救世界的令人振奋的超级英雄。 48 Once in a while 偶尔;间或 Once in a while, I like to watch movies that are scary 偶尔,我喜欢看恐怖电影 49 in total 总共;合计 It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear 遗憾的是总共只有六首曲子被录制下来供后人欣赏 50 after all 毕竟;终归 We’re the capital of clocks and watches, after all. 我们毕竟是以时钟和手表文明的国度。 51 get mad 大动肝火;气愤 If you’re even 15 minutes late, your friends may get mad. 如果你仅仅迟到了15分钟,那你的朋友都有可能会非常生气。 52 make an effort 作出努力 So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. 因此每次我去见朋友都会尽力做到守时。 53 take off 脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞 In many eastern European countries, you are supposed to take off your gloves before shaking hands. 在很多东欧国家,握手之前你应该把手套脱下。 54 get out of one’s way 特地;格外努力 They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 他们竭尽全力让我感受到宾至如归。 55 feel at home 使(某人)感动宾至如归 They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 他们竭尽全力让我感受到宾至如归。 56 would rather 宁愿 I’d rathergo to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. 我宁愿去蓝色海洋,因为我喜欢在进餐时听安静的音乐。 57 drive sb. crazy/mad 使人发疯、发狂 Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy/mad. 等待埃米让蒂娜发疯。 58 leave out 忽略;不提及‘不包括 Then she won’t feel left out. 那样她就不会觉得自己被冷落。 59 prime minister 首相;大臣 The prime ministerwas called to the palace. 首相被叫到宫殿。 60 call in 召来,叫来 One day, a doctor was called into examine the king. 一天,医生被召来,为国王做检查。 61 neither…nor… 既不…也不… Neithermedicinenorrest can help him. 药物和休息对他都无效。 62 let…down 使失望 He had lethis whole team down. 他让他的整个球队失望。 63 kick…sb. off 开除某人 He was really worried that his coach might kickhim offthe team. 他真担心教练可能会开除他。 64 be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉 But whatever it was, don’t be too hard onyourself. 但不管结果怎样,不要对自己要求太苛刻。 65 rather than 而不是 The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with couragerather thanfear in his heart. 第二天,彼得并没有害怕,而是勇敢地去参加足球训练。 66 pull together 齐心协力;通力合作 But I think if we continue to pull together, we’re going to win the next one. 但我想只要我们继续团结一致,我们就会赢下一场比赛。 67 by the time 在…以前 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 在我到外面之前,公交车已经离开了。 68 give…a lift 捎…一程 Carl’s dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car. Carl的爸爸在街上看到了我并用他的车捎了我一程。 69 in line with (与…)成一排 As I was waiting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound. 当我正和其他办公室同事排队等候的时候,我听到了一声巨响。 70 show up 赶到;露面 By the time I arrived at the party, everyone had already shown up. 在我到达晚会之前,每个人都已经赶到了。 71 by the end of 在(某时间点)以前 By the end of the school day, he had left his schoolbag at home. 在校庆日之前,他已经把书包落在家里了。 72 costume party 化装舞会 Last Friday night, my friend invited me to his costume party. 上周五晚上,我的朋友邀请我去他的化装舞会。 73 sell out 卖光 By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out. 在人们意识到这个故事是一个恶作剧之前,全国的意大利面已经被销售一空。 74 be harmful to 对…有害 This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. 这不仅残忍,而且对环境有害。 75 at the top of 在…顶部或顶端 Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the ocean’s ecosystem. 在海洋生态系统中,鲨鱼位于食物链的顶端。 76 the food chain 食物链 Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the ocean’s ecosystem. 在海洋生态系统中,鲨鱼位于食物链的顶端。 77 take part in 参加 Have you ever taken part in an environmental project? 你曾经参加过一个有关环境的项目吗? 78 turn off 关掉 Turn off the lights when you leave a room. 当你离开房间时关掉灯。 79 pay for 付费;付出代价 I think it’s a great idea that you now have to pay for plastic bags in some stores. 我想这是一个好办法,那就是现在在一些商店里,你必须花钱买塑料袋。 80 take action 采取行动 We can’t afford to wait any longer to take action! 我们迫不及待地想采取行动了。 81 throw away 扔掉;抛弃 Do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore? 你经常扔掉一些你不再需要的物品吗? 82 put sth. to good use 好好利用某物 Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? 你是否曾经想过这些东西还能很好地重新利用? 83 pull…down 拆下;摧毁 The windows and doors come from old buildings that were pulled down. 窗户和门来自于被摧毁的旧的建筑物。 84 upside down 上下颠倒;倒转 The top of the house is an old boat turned upside down. 房顶是一条翻转过来的旧木船。 85 bring back 恢复;使想起;归还 Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity. 艺术不但可以给他人带来快乐,而且也说明只需要一点创造力,即使是冰冷、坚硬的铁也可产生活力。 86 in a row 连续几次地 I remember scoring two goals in a rowduring a soccer competition. 我记得在一场足球比赛中,我连续进了两个球。 87 look back at 回首(往事);回忆;回顾 Looking back at these past three years, I remember many things. 回顾过去的这三年,我记得许多事情。 88 make a mess 弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂) We prepared for art festivals and made a great big mess. 我们为艺术节作准备,结果弄得一团糟。 89 keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静 I’m trying tokeep my cool. 我在尽力保持冷静。 90 senior high (school) 高中 What are you looking forward to?I’mlooking forward to going tosenior high school. 你期盼什么?我期盼上高中。 91 go by (时间)逝去;过去 I can’t believe how fast the timewent by! 我无法相信时间流逝得如此快! 92 believe in 信任;信赖 Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to “go for it”. 陈老师信任他们所有人,并且告诉他们“为此而努力争取”。 93 first of all 首先 First of all,I’d like to congratulate all the students who are here today. 首先,我想祝贺今天在这里的所有学生。 94 be thirsty for 渴望;渴求 You wereall so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. 你们所有人都充满了活力和对知识的渴望。 95 be thankful to sb. 对某人心存感激 Never fail to be thankful tothe people around you. 要永远对你身边的人心存感激。 96 ahead of 在…前面 I don’t need to tell you that you have many difficult tasksahead ofyou. 我不需要告诉你们,在你们的面前会有许多艰巨的任务。 97 along with 连同;除…以外还 But along withdifficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. 但伴随着困难,也将有很多令人兴奋的事情等着你。 98 be responsible for 对…有责任;负责任 Choose wisely and be responsible foryour decisions and actions. 明智地选择,并对你的决策和行动负责。 99 set out 出发;启程 As you set outon your journey, you shouldn’t forget where you came from. 在新的旅程启程之际,不应忘记你来自何处。 100 separate from 分离;隔开 It’s always hard to separate fromthose whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. 和过去三年在一起度过这么多时光的那些人分离总是

