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句子大全 2014-08-19 13:25:13

50. The dictionary is green. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________ is the dictionary? (四)补全对话。(5%) A: Good morning, Jack. B:51_____________________, Mike. A: This is my family photo. B: Oh, let me look at it. 52______________? A: He’s my fat her. B: Is she your mother? A: Yes, 53________________. B: OK. Is this your schoolbag? A: No, 54___________. It’s Lucy’s. B: I see. Have a good day! A: 55_________________. You, too. Bye! B: Bye! (五)完型填空。(10%) I ___56___ Alice Black. My ___57___ name is Alice. My last name is ___58___. I’m a ___59___. My phone number ___60___ 587-9988. Look! That is ___61___ schoolbag. It’s red. Sarah is my sister. And this isn’t my CD. It’s ___62___. Tom is my ___63___. Is his schoolbag red? No, it ___64___. It’s yellow. ___65___ are my parents. I love my family. 56. A. is B. am C. are 57. A. first B. family C. last 58. A. Alice B. Black C. Sarah 59. A. girl B. boy C. father 60. A. am B. are C. is 61. A. I B. m y C. mine 62. A. she B. Sarah’s C. Sarah 63. A. sister B. mother C. brother 64. A. is B. isn’t C. aren’t 65. A. These B. This C. That (六)阅读理解。(20%) Hi! My name is Mary Smith. My telephone number is 876-0921. I have a good friend. His name is Frank Brown. That is his mother. Her name is Gina. And that is his father. His telephone number is 980-4356. They are in Beijing. 根据文章内容判断正(T)误(F)。 66. Mary’s telephone number is 980-4356. 67. Mary’s friend is Frank Brown. 68. Mary’s mother is Gina. 69. Gina’s telephone number is 876-0921. 70. Frank’s parents are in Beijing. Hello, everyone! I’m Bob. Here are two photos of my family. In the first photo are my uncle, Steven , my aunt, Selina, and my two cousins. They are very happy. Look! That is a small dog. Its name is Wang Wang. My grandfather and grandmother are in the next photo. These are my parents, Helen and Dale. Those are my sisters, Cindy and Hebe. Look! It’s me. 根据文章内容判断正(T)误(F)。 71. My uncle is Wang Wang. 72. I have two cousins. 73. Five people(人) are in the first photo. 74. My grandmother is in the next photo. 75. I only(只) have a sisiter. My name is Grace. I’m nine years old. What’s this in English? Oh, it’s an eraser. It’s my eraser. What color is it? It’s white. What’s that in English? It’s a book. It’s blue. It isn’t my book. It’s Jim’s. Jim is my good friend. Are those Jim’s rulers? No, they aren’t. They’re my sister’s rulers. Her name is Lily. 根据文章选出正确选项。 76. Grace is __________ years old. A. five B. seven C. nine 77. Grace’s eraser is __________. A. blue B. white C. yellow 78. ___________ book is blue. A. Jim’s B. Lily’s C. Grace’s 79. The rulers are _________. A. Grace’s B. Lily’s C. Jim’s 80. Lily is Grace’s __________. A. sister B. friend C. cousin I have a big family. My father is Mr. Smith. He is a Chinese teacher. My mother is an English teacher. Alan and Bob are my twin brothers. They are ten years old. Maria is my sister. She is four years old. Those are my grandparents. They are teachers, too. And those are my aunt and my uncle. They are thirty years old. They are in China. And they love China. 根据文章选出正确选项。 81. Mr. Smith is a ________ t eacher. A. Chinese B. English C. American 82. Bob is my __________. A. father B. brother C. cousin 83. ________ is four years old. A. Alan B. Bob C. Maria 84. __________ are teachers. A. My parents B. My grandparents C. My parents and my grandparents 85. My aunt and uncle are in ___________. A. China B. France C . America (七)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5%) 86. __________ is my mother. (her) 87. They are not Jenny’s oranges. They are ________. (my) 88. My friend __________ Eric. ( be) 89. Those are Tom’s ______________. ( parent) 90. Is ____________ his ruler? ( these) (八)书面表达。(10%) 1. 假设你叫John,你丢失了一本黄色的笔记本,你的e-mail是John321@sina.com 请为自己写一则“寻物启事”。 2. 假设你叫Linda,你拾到一张ID card,你的电话是879-7008,请写一则“招领启事”。 昆明三中、滇池中学2012——2013学年上学期期中考试初一英语试卷 听力材料 一.听力。 (一)听对话或句子,选出与所听句子相关的图画。(每个句子听两遍。) 1. W:What’s this in English? M: It’s a cup. 2. W: Who are they? M: They are my friends. 3. W: Here is a photo of my family. These are my parents. And this is me. 4. W: Are those your books? M: No, they aren’t. T hey are hers. 5. W: Is this his schoolbag? M: Yes, it is. (二)听句子,选出能回答该句子的正确答语。(每个句子听两遍。) 6. Hi, Eric! How are you? 7. What’s that in English? 8. What color is the cup? 9. Excuse me. Are you Gina? 10. Excuse me. Is this your pencil? (三)听对话,选出能回答该问题的正确选项。(每个对话听两遍。) 11. W: Hi, Bob. Is this your pen? M: Yes, it is. 12. W: What’s that in English? M: It’s a key. W: What color is it? M: It’s black and white. 13. W: Hi, Tom. Here’s a photo of my family. M: Hi, Cindy. Who’s the girl? W: She’s my sister. M: Who are they? W: They’re my cousins. 14. W: Good morning, Frank! M: Good morning , Grace! W: This is my friend, Jenny and this is my cousin, Linda. 15. W: Good afternoon. What’s your name? M: Good afternoon. I’m Dale. W: I’m Mary. What’s your telephone number? M: It’s 248-9087. (四)听短文,回答问题。(短文听三遍。) My name is Mike Brown. My telephone number is 776-1342. This is my pen. That is my eraser. These are my books and those are my notebooks. I have a good friend. Her name is Tina Green. Her telephone number is 864-3656. Is this her watch? No, it isn’t. It’s Alan’s. And that is her computer. She likes playing computer games. She has a brother. His name is Jack Green. This is his pencil. Is that his baseball? Yes, it is. 听力答案: 1—5 ACAAC 6—10 ABACA 11—15 ACACC 16—20 AABBA 笔试答案: 二.笔试。(80%) (一)词组互译。(10%) 21. in English 26.电话号码 22. family name/ last name 27. 中学 23. pencil box 28. 打扰一下,劳驾 24. thanks for 29. 。。。怎么样 25. a set of 30. 请求,恳求(给予)(二)单选。(15%) (二)单选。(15%) 31—35 BABAC 36—40 CBCAC 41—45 BCCAB (三)按括号内的要求完成句子。(5%) 46. Is that 47. Yes, they are. 48. is / sister 49. That is my pen. 50. What color (四)补全对话。(5%) 51. Good morning 52. Who’s he 53. she is 54. it isn’t 55. Thank you (五)完型填空。(10%) 56—60 BABAC 61—65 BBCBA (六)阅读理解。(20%) 66—70 FTTFT 71—75 FTFTF 76—80 CBABA 81—85 ABCCA (七)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5%) 86. She 87. mine 88. is 89. parents 90. this (八)书面表达。(10%) 相关推荐:
