
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-05-06 23:55:41

A 我需要买一台笔记本电脑。

B What kind? Just a normal, simple laptop?

B 要哪种?要普通的、简单的那种?

A Yes, nothing too expensive. Just a simple, good quality laptop.

Where’s a good place to buy one?

A 是的,不要太贵的。只要简单的、质量好的笔记本电脑。在哪里可以买到笔记本电脑?

B I know some good computer shops in the shopping mall.

B 我知道在购物中心有几家不错的电脑商店。

A Good. I just need it for e-mail and the internet. And it’d be good for my digital photos. I can e-mail them to friends.

A 好。我用电脑只是为了发电子邮件和上网。看数码照片也需要。我可以把照片发给朋友们。

B OK. Let’s go and have a look in the shops.

B 好的。咱们去那些商店看看吧。

Notes 注释

1 You can describe what you want to buy in various ways, e.g.

Just a simple, good quality laptop. / Just a simple, good quality laptop.


Just a simple, good quality laptop. / 只要简单的、质量好的笔记本电脑。

2 Remember, to ask about shops or somewhere to buy something, you can say Where’s a good place to buy . . . ? / Where’s a good place to buy . . . ?

记住,要问卖东西的商店或者某个地方,你可以说:Where’s a good place to buy . . . ? /在哪里可以买…?

3 You can talk about why you want something such as a laptop computer, e.g. I need it for e-mail and the internet. / I need it for e-mail and the internet; I can e-mail digital photos to my friends. / I can e-mail digital photos to my friends.

你可以说你为什么要买某物比如笔记本电脑,例如:I need it for e-mail and the internet. / 我需要它发电子邮件和上网; I can e-mail digital photos to my friends. / 我可以把数码照片发给我的朋友。
