
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2014-04-03 02:52:46

A. do I B. do you C. isn t it D. is it

2. His wife had the carpets and the curtains cleaned, ________?

A. hadn t B. had C. didn t she D. did she

3.It s my son s wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that,_______ ?

A. haven t I B. don t I C. don t he D. isn t it

4.Harry wouldn t become a teacher if it hadn t been for the holiday, ______ ?

A. would he B. had it C. would it D. had he

5. No one left here yesterday,________?

A. didn t they B. did they C. didn t one D. did one

6. Birds rarely build nests in our garden,________?

A. don t they B. do they C. didn t they D. did they

7. You must have been to the Great Wall,____________?

A. mustn t you B. haven t you C. aren t you D. must you
