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句子大全 2013-08-31 14:12:22

饭店的选择因目的不同而不同, 把气氛、 饭菜的种类、 价钱、 位置等因素考虑在内作出决定后, 你就 可以打预订电话了。请参考下面的例子, 学习一下英语独特的表达方式。 饭店: Good afternoon, ABC. May I help you? (下午好, 这里是ABC饭店。请讲。) 青木: My name is Mr. Aoki. I’d like to reserve a table for two tonight at seven o’clock. (我姓青木。我想预订一张两个人的桌子, 今天晚上7点。) 饭店: Yes, sir. Would you spell your name for me, please? (好的, 先生。您的姓怎么拼?) 青木: A-O-K-I, Aoki. (A-O-K-I, 青木。) 饭店: And may I have your phone number? (请留下您的电话。) 青木: My phone number is 252-8088. (我的电话是252-8088。) 饭店: Thank you, Mr. Aoki. We will be waiting for you tonight. (谢谢青木先生。今天晚上我们恭候您的光临。) 我们去什么饭店? What restaurant shall we go to? (我们去什么饭店?) Someplace quiet. (去安静一点的。) quiet “安静的”。 What restaurant shall we eat at? Where shall we go to eat? 你能不能推荐一家好的饭店? Would you recommend a good restaurant? (你能不能推荐一家好的饭店?) The one on the corner is excellent. (拐角处的那一家很不错。) recommend “推荐”。 excellent “很好的”。 Would you recommend a good place to eat? What restaurant would you recommend? 我知道一家不错的法国餐馆。 Do you have any suggestions for where to eat? (去哪里吃饭, 你有什么建议吗?) I know a good French restaurant. (我知道一家不错的法国餐馆。) I know a French restaurant that serves good food. serve “提供(饭菜等)”、 “供应”。 Let’s go to this good French restaurant I know of. (我们去我知道的这家味道不错的法国餐馆吧。) 你得预订。 Let’s go to that new restaurant. (我们去那家新开的饭店吧。) You need a reservation. (你得预订。) reservation “预订”。 You’ll have to make a reservation. We can’t get in without a reservation. (没预订我们进不去。) get in “进入”。without “没有”。 我最好提前预订。 I hear that restaurant fills up quickly. (我听说那家饭店总是很快客满。) I’d better make a reservation. (我最好提前预订。) We should reserve a table right away. (我们得马上预订。) reserve “预订”。right away “马上”。 I’d better get us on the reservation list.
