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初二英语复习资料:A charity show达标测试卷

句子大全 2013-07-07 13:38:39

答案:1.hopes hope在这里作可数名词,意为“希望”。这句话的意思是“伟大的希望成就伟大的人物”。 2.succeeded 由时间状语last year可知应该用过去时。 3.successful 由后面的名词singer可判断空格处应该用形容词。success的形容词是successful。 4.actor 由前面的形容词famous可知后面应该是名词,又因为Xie Tingfeng是男性所以用actor。本句的意思是“谢霆锋是一个很著名的演员”。 5.guests 由前面的some可知要用名词的复数形式。 6.performance 由前面的The winner’s判断,应该用perform的名词形式performance。 7.hope hope后不可以直接带宾语。 8.wish wish 后面可以直接带宾语,hope不可以。 9.because of 因为后面是名词短语,所以用because of。 10.to visit“hope to do sth.”的意思是“希望做某事”。 Ⅱ.匹配题 1.curtain a.actors 2.exit b.to present as a gift to a fund or cause 3.audience c.material that hangs in a window 4.stage d.a door through which you leave a room 5.performers e.spectators or listeners 6.donate f.a raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented 答案:1.c 2.d 3.e 4.f 5.a 6.b Ⅲ.翻译下面的词组 1.做慈善演出的主持人_________ 2.多练习_________ 3.散发(传单)_________ 4.绿色希望工程_________ 5.希望工程 _________ 6.捐某物(钱)给某人_________ 7.在同时_________ 8.得到当地企业的大力支持_________ 9.帮助需要的人_________ 10.举办一次慈善演出_________ 11.选择某人来做某事_________ 12.想要这次演出取得成功_________ 13.作出决定_________ 14.决定做某事_________ 15.志愿做某事_________ 答案:1.be the host of a charity show2.practice a lot 3.give out (leaflets)4.Project Green Hope5.Project Hope 6.donate sth.(money)to sb.7.at the same time 8.have/get a lot of support from local businesses9.help people in need 10.have/hold a charity show11.choose sb.to do sth. 12.want the show to be a success13.make a decision/make some decisions 14.decide to do sth.= make a decision to do sth.15.volunteer to do 我综合我发展 Ⅰ.听力测试 A.听录音,选择可以回答你所听到的问题的答语。 1.A.No,I wouldn’t. B.I’m afraid I can’t. C.No,I can’t. 2.A.No,I can’t eat it.B.Thank you.C.OK,here you are. 3.A.No,you may.B.Certainly.C.You can’t. 4.A.Half an hour.B.At seven thirty.C.After an hour. 5.A.I have a good idea. B.I have a pain in my head. C.Have no matter. 6.A.No,they mustn’t.B.Yes,they may.C.No,they can’t play well. 7.A.Very much.B.Much better.C.Quite right. 8.A.Three times a day.B.A week.C.It’s not a week. 9.A.Please ask somebody to help us. B.I believe everybody can. C.Yes,I can. 10.A.The farm was very nice. B.We worked very hard. C.We often went to the farm. 听力原文 1.Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? 2.Help yourself to some fruit. 3.Can I borrow your bike,please? 4.How long will it take to go there by bike? 5.What’t wrong with you? 6.May the children play on the road? 7.How are you feeling today? 8.How often does Kate take the medicine? 9.Who can solve this problem? 10.How did you work on the farm? 答案:1~5 BBBAB 6~10 ABABB B.选出与你所听到的句子意义相近的选项。 1.A.Mary’s mother often cooks. B.Mary often helps her mother with the cooking. C.Mary often cooks for her mother. 2.A.Kate is in a red skirt. B.Kate is putting on a red skirt. C.Kate is having a red skirt. 3.A.Something is wrong with my computer. B.I’m mending my computer. C.My computer works quite well. 4.A.Peter is in our school. B.Peter’s favorite sport is football. C.Peter is a member of our school football team. 5.A.I like to talk to you. B.You are talking too much now. C.I’m happy to have a talk with you. 1.Mary often helps her mother do the cooking. 2.Kate is wearing a red skirt. 3.There is something wrong with the computer.  4.Peter is in our school football team. 5.Very glad to talk with you. 答案:1~ 5 BAACC C.听对话,回答问题。 1.A.On the phone.B.At home.C.In an office. 2.A.21725252.B.21725254.C.21724525. 3.A.China.B.America.C.England. 4.A.William.B.Henry.C.William Henry. 5.A.010-69296636.B.010-69926636.C.010-69926366. M:Operator,I’d like to make a long distance call. W:Where to? M:London. W:What number? M:21724525. W:What’s your name,please? M:William Henry. W:Can you spell that? M:W-I-L-L-I-A-M,William,H-E-N-R-Y, Henry. W:And ...where are you calling from? M:010-69926636. W:Right.Hold the line,please. Questions: 1.Where does this conversation take place? 2.What number is the man calling to? 3.Where does the man want to call? 4.What’s the man’s family name? 5.Where is the man calling from? 答案:1~5 ACCBB D.听短文,选择正确答案。 1.The old man could__________. A.write wellB.draw badlyC.draw well 2.The young man want_________. A.to learn how to draw B.to buy an egg C.to learn to draw an egg 3.The young man drew an egg quickly and_________. A.gave it to the old man to look at B.left the old man’s house C.didn’t draw eggs any more 4.The old man asked the young man to draw_________. A.an egg in two minutes B.some nice eggs in a few days C.eggs again 5.The old man was sure_________. A.the young man wasn’t clever B.it wasn’t easy to draw an egg well C.he was too old to teach the young man In a beautiful village,there lived an old man.He was very famous for his drawing.One day,a young man came to the old man.He wanted the old man to teach him to draw.The old man gave him an egg and told him to draw it.The young man worked quickly and showed it to the old man. “Draw it again,”said the old man.The young man was angry.He said,“I can draw an egg in two minutes.”The old man smiled and said,“Yes,you can draw an egg quickly,but it takes you years to draw one very well.” 答案:1~5 CAACB Ⅱ.单项选择 1.I called you yesterday afternoon, but you wasn’t in. A.phoned B.ring up C.make a telephone D.spoke 答案:A call的意思等于phone,也可以用B来代替,但要注意时态保持一致。 2.(2006山东临沂) Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said,“ _________we did not see the Great Wall, we felt excited when we passed over China.” A.BecauseB.IfC.AlthoughD.As 答案:C 句子的意思是“虽然我们没有看见长城,但当我们经过中国的上空的时候,我们依旧感觉到很激动”。根据句子的意思应该选择C项。 3.2006天津) It was snowing hard_________we had to stay at home and watch A.that B.so C.but D.because 答案:B 句子是意思是:“外面雪下得很大,所以我们不得不待在家里看电视。”两个句子是原因和结果的关系,所以用B项。 4.Since the Internet_________China, it has developed at a surprising speed. A.was come to B.introduced to C.is brought in D.was introduced to 答案:D introduce与the Internet之间存在被动关系,因此答案为D项。
