
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2013-07-07 01:09:21

2. 限定性定语从句是对先行词进行修饰、限制说明的,是句中不可缺少的组成部分,主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开。

e.g. I have a brother who is a student.

非限定性定语从句是对主句先行词的补充说明。没有从句不影响主句意思的完整,一般用逗号把主句和从句分开。引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词有who,whom, whose, which等。这些关系代词都不能省略,通常不用关系代词that。

e.g. I have a brother, who is a student.

I have lost a pen, which I likevery much.

3. 在下面几种情况中必须用that引导定语从句


I need something that can help mefinish the work.


The first lesson that I learned will never beforgotten.

She is the cleverest girl that Ihave ever known.

先行词被all, few, every,any, little, no, some等修饰

I have read all the books thatyou gave me.

There was no one that I could askfor help.


1. one…the other = 一个…另一个

some…others =一些…另一些

another =另一个 (同一类)

other = the remaining ones

none = not one ,not any (人或物)

neither = not one and not theother

both = the two together

any = one , no matter which

all = every thing or every person

every = all possible

each = one ortwo or more persons orthings considered separately

no one = nobody, n o person (人)

2. something, somebody, someone 用于肯定句

Somebody/ Someone rang you upjust now.

Something is wrong with my watch.


Would you like something todrink?

Can you carry something for me?

3. anything, anybody, anyone


You mustn’t tell it to anybody.

I can’t see anything.

not +any 可转换为no-的复合不定代词。

You must tell it to nobody.

I can see nothing.


Can’t you hear anything?


Anybody will tell you the way.


1. b e used as 被作为……使用

This book is used as ourtextbook.

This song will be used as thenational Anthem in that country.

2. as for 至于,就……方面说

As for you, I never want to seeyou here again.

3. apart from 除去,撇开

Apart from the food and drink,there are also differences in the names of items of clothing.

4. what is more 而且,此外

She is a very excellent student.What is more, she is always ready to help others.

5. not only…but also… 放句首,需倒装。

Not only did he speak morecorrectly, but also spoke more fluently than before.

6. depend on 取决于, 决定于

He is a grow-up and doesn’t wantto depend on his parents.


Good health largely depends onproper diet.


7. give up 放弃, 不再做某事

They have already given up allhopes of seeing me again.


All the people swam across thelake expect two gave up halfway.


8. Look forward to +名词盼望(做)某事

We are all looking forward tovisiting your beautiful country.


9. what is more 更重要的,更有甚者

10. as for…至于,就……方面

As for you, I never want to seeyou here again.

11. apart from除去,撇开

Apart from this consideration,there is no reason why we should not do so.

Unit 6 The Spirit of Sports

一. 内容:


二. 重点、难点






三. 具体内容:


Grammar: Object clause 宾语从句




He has given up smoking. Shesaid…→

She said that he had given upsmoking.

2) 一般疑问句变为宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,语序变为陈述句语序。

Is he doing his homework? I askedhim… →

I asked him if he was doing hishomework.


Where are you going? She askedme…→

She asked me where I was going.

4) 如果宾语从句表示的是科学真理、客观事实或格言警句等,从句一律用一般现在时。

Granny told me that the earthmoves around the sun.

5)当主句的主语为I, we , 谓语为think,believe, guess, suppose 等词时,其后的宾语从句的否定应该转移到主句上。

I don’t think he can come thismorning.




China had never won so manymedals before.

They had predicted that the teamwould win many medals in Athens.


by the time I started junior highschool 到我开始上初中时为止

by the year 2000 到2000年为止

by this time lastmonthyesterday 到上个月昨天的这个时候为止

by the time I was ten yearsold 到我十岁时为止

by the end of last year 到去年年末为止

by 12 o’clock 截止到12点


句子结构A:肯定句:主语+was/weregoing to +动词原形

否定句:主语+was/were notgoing to +动词原形

疑问句:Was/Were +主语+goingto +动词原形


否定句:主语+would(should)not +动词原形


e.g. I didn’t kn ow if he wouldcome.=Ididn’t know if he was going to come.

They didn’t think he wouldcomplete the run.

He said he was going to take partin the 5-kilometer run.

She said that she would attendthe meeting.

She said she was going to participatein the competition.


1. Let’s go to school together.

Let’s watch the football match.

2. Shall we listen to the radio?

Shall we go and fly a kite?

3. Why not have a dinnertogether?

Why not pl ay computer games?

4. Why don’t we go to the beach?

Why don’t we have a rest?

5. We should wash our handsbefore meals.

We should listen to t he teachersin class.

6. We’d better hurry up.

We’d better find a doctor to dothis.

7. How/What about going fishing?


Part 1

1. one of the most popular sports


one of the +最高级+ 名词复数

2. the second oldest basketball-playingcountry



The Yellow River is the secondlongest river in China.

3. in the 1980s 在二十世纪80年代

4. over 7-feet tall 7英尺多高

over=more than

数词-名词+形容词20-feet high 20英尺高

5-metre wide 5米宽10-metre long 10米长

5. involve with (in)


Don’t involve me in your quarrel.不要把我卷入你们的争吵。

He was involved with the Mafia. 他和黑手党有牵连。


He is now involved in stocks. 他现在热衷于股票。

6. be similar to …与……相似的,相像的

Her ideas are quite similar tomine.

7. come from behind 追上,后来居上

In the relay race, the laststudent of Class Two came from behind to win the match.

8. in good health 身体好

He was 44 years old and he wasnot in good health.

9. by the end of 到……末

By the end of the war, the smallworkshop had become a large factory.

10. by the year 2000 到2000年为止

By the year 2000, my family hadseen films quite a few times.

11. prove 证实,证明

They will prove to you that I am not lying.

Part 2

1. jump ball跳球

2. jump shot跳投

3. the number of关于……的数字

4. in the 1980s在20世纪80年代

5. be involved in被卷入

6. play against和……打对抗赛

7. over 7-feet tall超过7英尺高

8. take place发生

9. gold medals金牌

10 .win the game取得胜利

Part 3

1. set a new Olympic record 创造了一项新的奥运纪录

2. the shooting events 射击事件

3. …be similar t o … 与……相同

4. be in the first place 处于第一的位置

5. come from behind 后来居上

6. imagine doing 假设做某事

7. achieve the amazingsuccess 获得惊人的成功

8. have sb. in …team 使得某人成为……队员

9. be in good health 身体好

10. become a member of nationalteam 成为国家队队员

11. the World Table TennisChampionship世界乒乓球冠军

1. complete the run

2. take part in

3. lose one’s home

4. collect money for sb.

5. plenty of

6. feel embarrassed

7. for the two weeks before therun

8. encourage sb.

9. catch up with

10. It takes sb. sometime to dosth.

11. leave sb. behind

12. wait for

13. do one’s best

14. keep healthy

15. do regular exercises

Part 4

1. host the 2008 Olympics

2. be crowded with

3. celebrate the success

4. the Olympic movement

5. have special influence

6. in contrast

7. two thirds of the people

8. compete for hosting Olympic

9. understand the spirit ofOlympics


1. be angry with

2. be good at

3. be proud of

4. be tired of

Unit 7 Storytelling

一. 内容:


二. 重点:

1. 结果状语从句

2. 原因状语从句

3. 让步状语从句

4. 时间状语从句

5. 重点词组

三. 具体内容:


1. 结果状语从句:表结果,其关联词有:so…that, such …that,它要放在主句的后面. e.g. She was so excited that she laidout all the jams.

She was so worried that shecouldn’t sleep.

It was such a wonderful storythat I read twice.

There will be such a lot of people that there won’t be enough spaces.


1)such +a/an +形容词+单数可数名词+从句

This is such an interesting bookthat I want to read it again.

2)such +形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+从句

He told us such funny storiesthat we all laughed.


He spoke so fast that I couldn’tfollow him.

4)so+ many /few +可数名词复数+从句

So +much /little +不可数名词+从句

They made so much noise that theteacher got angry.

I had so many falls that I wasblack and blue all over.

2. 原因状语从句:表原因或理由,其关联词主要有because, as, since.

e.g. Since Goldilocks was a veryimpolite girl, she didn’t ask for permission.

As she was very tired, she fell asleep.

She didn’t like the porridgebecause it was too salty.

表示原因强弱依次为because since as.because 表示必然的因果关系,它引导的从句是整个句子的重心,一般放在主句的后面。回答why引起的特殊疑问句,只能用because回答。

Tom didn’t go to school becausehe was ill.


Since it is raining, you’d bettertake an umbrella with you.


As it was late, we came backsoon.

3. 让步状语从句,常用although, though, no matter how/what/who= (however/whatever/ whoever), although/though可与yet连用,不能和but连用.

Although /Though it was snowing,it was not very cold.=It was snowing, but it was not very cold.

= Although /Though it wassnowing, yet it was not very cold.

No matter what (=Whatever)the weather islike, you can always find surfers out riding the waves.

You can’t go in no matter who (=whoever)you are.

4. 时间状语从句,常用while,when, as soon as, until, not …until, before, after, since 等引导。


My father fell asleepwhen/while/as I was watching TV.

When /As you leave, please take araincoat with you.

He was watching TV while hissister was doing homework.

She dances as she sings.

2)before /after 意为“在……之前/后”意思相反,从句动作发生在主句动作之前/后。



I went to bed after I finished myhomework.

I stayed there until he cameback.

We won’t go to the Great Walluntil the rain stops.

I haven’t seen him since he came back.


1. lay out展开,铺开;设计。布置;花费

He laid out the map on the table.

How much did you lay out for yournew car?[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]

The gardens are beautifully laidout.

2. asleep adj. sleep n. v. sleepy adj.

fall asleep =be asleep

He had a good sle ep.

Last night he slept very well.

I feel very sleepy now.

Soon he felt asleep.

3. be busy doing sth.

be busy with sth.

A little tailor was busy sewingin his house.

My mother is busy with thehousework now.

4. bet on sth. 对某事打赌

bet against sth.打赌某事不能发生

take up a bet同意打赌

make a bet with sb.与某人打赌

I bet you can’t do that.

5. point to 指向

point at 表明,暗示,指近处的事物

a point of sight视点

five point two 5.2

a full point句号

He pointed to the high mountainsfar away.

The mouse is used for pointing atdifferent parts of a screen.

unit 8 keeping safe

一. 重点:



3、must,mustn’t 和have to 的使用


二. 具体内容:



1. do 型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其他成分)

please have a seat here.

2. be 型(即:be+表语+其他成分)

be a good boy!

3. let 型(即:let +宾语+动词原形+其他成分)

let me help you.


1. do 型和be 型的否定形式都是在句首加don’t构成.

don’t forget me!

2. let 型的否定形式有两种:don’t +let +宾语+动词原形+其他成分

let +宾语+not+动词原形+其他成分

don’t let him go./ let him notgo.

3.有些可用no 开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句.

no smoking!

no fishing!



Be sure to write to us,will you?

Come to have dinner with us thisevening, won’t you ?


Don’t smoke in the meetingroom,will you?

3.let 开头的祈使句在构成反意疑问时,除let’s用shall we外,其他都有willyou。

Let the boy go first,will you?

Let’s take a walk aftersupper,shall we?


1. 一般现在时:am/is/are +done

The book is read by children.


He was taken to the hospitalyesterday.

3、一般将来时:will be+done/begoing to be+done

The strawberry will be frozen inthree hours.

Dinner is going to be cooked at 6o’clock.

4. 情态动词+be+ done

the meat should be kept in afridge.



We are taught English by her.

English is taught to us by her.

The coat was bought for me.


The boss made him work over 12hours a day.

He was made to work over 12 hoursa day.


The meeting has been put off.

(三)语法要点:have to和must的区别

have to 的用法

have to 常表示因客观需要(由于外界因素的限制被迫)必须做某事,有“必须,不得不”的意思.

1. have to 有时态,人称和数的变化.

Mary had to go to school with herteacher yesterday.

2. have to 的否定形式是don’thave to,译为“不必”.

You don’t have to go shoppingnow.


情态动词must是表示人的主观看法. 有“必须,应当”的意思.

1. must 没有时态,人称和数的变化.

2. must 的否定形式是mustnot,表示“不可,不许”的意思.

You mustn’t waste your time.

3. must 还可表示说话人对事物的肯定推断,含有“一定,准是”的意思.

Mr. Yin must be over forty now.


1.keep away from 远离

Mother told him to keep away fromdrugs.


2.short-cut 捷径

Don’t take short-cut throughempty buildings or parking lots.


3. avoid doing… 避免做……

they all avoid mentioning thatname.


4.knock dowm 撞到,击倒

Jim knocked dowm a little girlwhen he was running in the street.


5. on the right-hand side of 在(靠)……右手边

In China, cars must be driven onthe right-hand side of the road.


6. play with 玩,玩耍

Children shouldn’t play withknives.


7. as quickly as 尽快

Telephone the police as quicklyas possible when you see a traffic accident.


8. not … until 直到……才

We didn’t go to sleep untilmother came back last night.


9. as well as 也,又

Workers as well as farmers areworking hard for the country.


10. take a bath 洗澡

I take a bath every day.


11. be likely to 可能

The train is likely to be late.


12. hit someone (in, on…) 打在某人……

He hit me in the stomach.


Should we hit the person on theback?



Part 1

1. on the right-hand side of 15. be likely to do

2. block the hallways 16. get older

3. at least 17. have anaccident

4. first aid kit 18. far away

5. be allowed to do 19. take drugs

6. play with 20. avoid doing

7. at anytime 21. in case of

8. keep clam 22. as quickly aspossible

9. not until 23. wait for

10. take a bath 24. get hurt

11. hit sb. on the back 25. lose control

12. in fact 26. happen to do

13. in daily life 27. as well as

14. get a head injury 28. follow/obey the rules

Part 2

1.encourage sb.to do 2.stand for

3.be based on 4.according to

5. 参加6. do a survey

7.take short-cuts 8.即使

9. in hospital 10. keep safe

11.pick sb up 12.send to

13. knock dowm 14.all the way

