
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2013-03-18 01:36:41

2) 主将从现 符合的原则是:if条件句,时间状语从句,方式状语从句和让步状语从句。如:

If he comes, I ll let you know.

He will be happy when I tell him.

Next time I ll do as you say.

Even if it rains tomorrow, the sports meet will take place.

3) be to do 表示有责任、有义务做某事

be about to do 表示正要做某事

I was about to leave when the telephone rang.

be going to do 表示有计划性、准备做某事

will do 一般情况下使用


1) 和always, constantly, forever, continually连用表示说话人的感情色彩,责备,埋怨等;

He is always thinking of others.

He is always making the same mistake.

2) 强调情况的暂时性;

He is walking to school because his bike is being repaired.

5). 一般将来时注意以下三点。

1) 表倾向,习惯性动作。意为 会,不能,没法

We will die sooner or later. The medicine won t help.

2) 表推测

The man in the middle will be visiting president.

3) 表容量

The hall will seat 500 people.

6). 现在完成时的适用范围。

1) 过去动作对现在的影响和结果;

I ve already finished my homework, so I can leave now.

2) 过去开始持续到现在;

Great changes have taken place in China in the past five years.

7). 过去完成时注意两点。

1) 它是和一般过去时对应存在的,没有一般过去时,就不存在过去完成时。

His family hadn t heard from him for six months until he came home.

2) 用在no sooner than, scarcely when, hardly when,等句型中。

No sooner had I seen him than I told him.

8.下列 that从句用完成时:(注意:主句用is从句用have/has 过去分词 ;主句用was 从句用had 过去分词)


1.It/This/That is the first/second/last time that 如:

This is the first time that I have been in Beijing.

2.It/This/That is the only that 如:

That is the only book that I have really enjoyed in my life.

3.It/This/That is the 最高级 that

It is one of the most interesting book that I have ever read.

4.It is/ has been since

It is/ has been 10 years since I last saw him.(从我上次见到他以来已经10年了。)

三.Choose the best answers.

1. What s the terrible noise?

The neighours ________ for a party.

A) have prepared B) are preparing C) prepare D) will prepare

2. Has Sam finished his homework today?

I have no idea. He ________ it this morning.

A) has done B) did C) was doing D) had done

3. You were out when I dropped in at your house.

Oh, I ________ for a friend from England at the airport.

A) was waiting B) have waited C) is waiting D) had waited

4. The policeman ________ five days after he had been wounded.

A) was dead B) had died C) has died D) died

E) had been dead F) has been dead G) was died H) dead

5. Everybody, now I _______ the test tube over the flames; now you can see that the liquid is beginning to change colour.

A) place B) placed C) had placed D) have been placing

6. This kind of cloth ________ smooth and ________ well.

A) is felt, sold B) feels, sells C) feels, is sold D) is felt, sells

7、We _________the work by six yesterday evening.

A. finished B.would finish C. had finished D. had been finished

8、I _________to help you but couldn t get here in time.

A. want B. had wanted C. have wanted D. was wanting

9. He ______ at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him.

A. will speak B. is going to speak

C. had to speak D. was going to speak

10.It is the first time that I __________________ here.

A.am B.have been C.was D.had been
