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英语情景对话话题精粹: What Sports Do You Like

句子大全 2012-03-10 14:17:11

You:Yes. Many young, single people with desk jobs, like me, join sports clubs for exercise on the weekends. 很多年轻人都进行锻炼。坐办公室的单身一族们,像我,周末都会到健身俱乐部去锻炼。 David:What kind of sports? 玩什么? You:排球、篮球,如果经济宽裕的话就打高尔夫。 David:People who have more money can afford golf. Other sports like volleyball are a good model for teamwork. It is good to do with coworkers.经济宽裕的人才打得起高尔夫。其它的运动——像排球——就很适合集体活动,和同事们一起玩很有趣。 You:I think I’ll try volleyball sometime. Playing sports is very social. Nowadays, in modern life, people spend more and more time on their own, so sports are a good way to socialize. What kinds of sports do you like? 我有时也想试试打排球,有利于社交嘛。人们现在独处的时间好像越来越多了,做些运动是应该有利于社交的。你喜欢什么运动? David:Mostly soccer, or football, I play in a team. 足球,我参加了一个足球队。 You:你是队长吗?Are you the captain of the team? David:No, I am just a player. I’m too old to be the captain. 不,只是个队员。我太老了,不能当队长了。 You:你在队里是什么角色?What role do you play on the team? David:You mean what position you play. “What role” is more like “what role did you play in the theater?” 应该说“你踢什么位置”。“什么角色”更多是用在“你在剧中扮演什么角色”这样的句子里。 You:那你踢什么位置?So what’s your position? David:I play forward, striker.我踢前锋。 You:So you mainly play on the other side’s turf trying to score goals. on the other side’s turf:“on someone’s turf”直译为“在他们控制或掌管的草地上”,喻意是“在某人的地盘上”。 那你主要在对方的半场活动,射门。 David:Something like that.差不多吧。
