
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2012-02-25 11:00:18

2012-11-12 20:43作者:新东方网整理来源:互联网资源字号:| Module 5 Problems 我夯基我达标 Ⅰ.单项选择 1.Don’t be angry ________ me. A.withB.inC.at 答案:A be angry with sb.是个固定搭配,含义是“和……生气”。 2.I will ________ work out this question. A.able toB.be able toC.can 答案:B 注意be able to可以用语将来时态,而can只能用于一般现在和一般过去时态中。 3.Don’t refuse ________ others when they need. A.helpingB.helpC.to help 答案:C refuse to do sth.是个固定句式,表示“拒绝做某事”。 4.The teacher warned us ________ touch the things in the lab. A.toB.not toC.to not 答案:B warn sb.not to do sth.是个不定式的否定形式,含义是“警告某人不要做某事”。 5.He never tells lies so he is ________ honest man. A.anB.aC.the 答案:A honest是个以元音音素开头的单词,所以要用an修饰。 6.One of the students ________ good at speaking English. A.doB.areC.is 答案:C one of ...在句子中作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 7.It is a shame ________such a mistake. A.makeB.to makeC.making 答案:B it is a shame to do sth.是个固定句式,表示“做……很遗憾”。 8.Sorry, I don’t mean ________ you. A.to hurtB.hurtingC.hurt 答案:A mean to do sth.表示“打算做……”;而mean doing sth.表示“意味着”。 9.At last the players from China ________ others. A.winB.wonC.beat 答案:C 本句的含义是“最后来自于中国队的队员战胜了其他人”。后面接人,要用beat。 10.If you make some bad friends, maybe you ________. A.go wrongB.will go wrongC.going wrong 答案:B if引导的条件句,要用“主将从现”。 Ⅱ.用合适的介词或副词填空 1.Tell me ________ the concert. 答案:about 2.If you like, I will send you ________ a different place to work. 答案:to 3.Don’t use my computer ________ playing games. 答案:for 4.Would you like to help the old woman ________ her housework? 答案:with 5.If you tell a lie to me, I’ll be angry ________ you. 答案:with 6.Lin Tao wants to play the game ________ my new computer. 答案:on 7.My father said that I could use his computer only ________my homework. 答案:for 8.You should say sorry to her, ________ all, you have hurt her. 答案:after 9.Next time you should play football ________ Da Wei. 答案:with 10.My dad was ________, so I decided to use his computer. 答案:out Ⅲ.根据首字母补全句子 1.The teacher said if I didn’t finish my homework, he would p________ 答案:punish 2.There are two new bicycles, and you can c________ one of them. 答案:choose 3.He is so honest and he r________ to copy my homework. 答案:refuses 4.She is a p________ girl and she doesn’t like to make friends with me. 答案:proud 5.She lives in the house a________ and she never talks with her neighbor. 答案:alone Ⅳ.补全对话 get fit get up go to bed take more exercise have more energy feel sleepy Mum:Betty,are you awake? Betty:(yawn)(打哈欠的声音) Mum:Betty,it’s time to 1.________. Betty:But I still 2.________.I 3.________ very late because I was doing my homework. Mum:And watching TV. Betty:Yes,that is true. Mum:You should stop watching so much TV,and 4.________.If you are active,and you will 5.________. Betty:Really? Mum:And if you 6.________,you will feel healthier.Also,if you go to bed earlier,you won’t feel tired in the morning. Betty:Well,if it helps,I’ll try.I will go running in the park. 1.get up 2.feel sleepy 3.went to bed 4.take more exercise 5.have more energy 6.get fit Ⅴ.用所给的提示词组成一个if 引导的条件状语从句 1.be tired,have a rest 答案:If you are tired, you will have a rest. 2.the weather,tomorrow is fine/have a picnic 答案:If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will have a picnic. 3.not go to bed early/feel tired 答案:If you are not go to bed early, you will feel tired. 4.not eat vegetables/become unhealthy 答案:If you don’t eat vegetables, you will become unhealthier. 5.not listen to the teacher/not study well 答案:If you don’t listen to the teacher, you won’t study well. 我综合我发展 Ⅰ.听力 A.听录音,选择可以回答你所听到的答语。 1.A.Sixty,young man.B.It’s hard to tell you.C.Ah,it’s a secret. 2.A.He is a good teacher.B.I like him.C.No,I don’t like him. 3.A.Great,you look fine,too.B.Thanks.You look fine,too.C.Not at all. 4.A.No,no trouble.B.Yes,I’d like one.C.I have had enough,but thank you all the same. 5.A.Yes,isn’t it?B.I don’t think it is.C.No,it is. 6.A.My name is Li Lei.B.This is Li Lei speaking.C.I’m Li Lei. 7.A.Through the road.B.To the second corner.C.At the second crossing. 8.A.Yes,you can.B.Thank you.C.Could you show me a shirt? 9.A.Don’t mention it.B.No,thanks.C.Of course. 10.A.Yes,open please.B.No,of course not.C.No,you can’t open it. B.听对话,回答对话后的问题。 11.A.They are friends.B.They are brothers.C.They are father and daughter. 12.A.September 1st.B.October 1st.C.January 1st. 13.A.At home.B.At the bus station.C.In a car. 14.A.English.B.French.C.Chinese. 15.A.Go to see her sister.B.Go out for a walk.C.Go to see her teacher. C.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 16.Some friends and I watched a basketball match last week. 17.We didn’t watch ball games. 18.A player fell down and broke his leg in the middle of the match. 19.The match went on without rest. 20.Our team won the match at last. A.1.How old are you,Mrs White? 2.How do you like your English teacher? 3.Hi,you look fine today. 4.Would you like some coffee? 5.It is a lovely day,isn’t it? 6.Hello,may I speak to Li Lei? 7.Excuse me.Can you tell me where the station is? 8.Can I help you? 9.Thank you for helping me! 10.Do you mind my opening the door? B.11.M:Merry Christmas!Here’s something for you,dear! W:How nice of you!I’ll open it right now.Oh,dad,it’s beautiful! Q:Who are they? 12.T:Today is the first day of this school year.Welcome back,children. Ss:Thank you,teacher.Glad to meet you again. Q:What is the date today? 13.A:Hi,Li Ming! B:Hi,Mike!I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long. A:It doesn’t matter.But why did you get so late? B:There was something wrong with the traffic. Q:Where are they talking? 14.W:Your English is very good. M:Thank you.But my French is not good.I want to learn it from you. W:I’m glad to teach you. Q:Which language can the boy speak well? 15.M:Can you come on Friday or Saturday,Sally? W:I’m afraid not.I will go to see my teacher. M:What’s wrong with him? W:He hurt himself from the bike. Q:What will Sally do on Friday or Saturday?
