
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2011-12-13 09:55:13

A.He has a big party. B.He can play games. C.He has lots of money. D.He gets lots of presents. ( )4.Who gives him the presents? A.His teachers. B.His cousins. C.His parents,grandparents and friends. D.His aunts. ( )5.Does he have a party on his birthday? A.No,he doesn’t. B.Yes,he does. C.No,he isn’t. D.we don’t know. 三、判断正误,正确的写”T”,错误的写”F” (10分) ( )1.The computer is Jim’s good friend. ( )2.Jim can write letters and draw pictures with a computer. ( )3.You can’t play games on the computer. ( )4.Jim can show you to play games on a computer. ( )5.Jim’s book can’t show you about the computer. 第二部分:笔试 四、根据要求写出相应的单词(10分) 1. --How many (月份) are there in a year? –Twelve. 2. Does Amy read newspapers in the __________ (图书馆)on Tuesdays? 3. S is the first day of a week. 4. Millie isn’t pretty, but she is p , we all like her very much. 5. The windows and the doors are (not open). It’s hot (热的) in the room. 6. Tim is very _______ (having a lot of work to do) today, because he has lots of homework to do. 7. Tom’s mother ________ (teach) English in my school. 8. June 1st is _________ (child) Day. My daughter likes that day best. 9. My Cousin Kitty wants to ________ (be) a teacher like her mother. 10.The little baby has two ________ (tooth) now. She is very lovely. 五、选择填空(15分) ( )1.My grandma usually his dog a walk after dinner. A.take,to B.takes,for C.take,for D.goes,for ( )2.-- you a member of the Football Team in your school? -- . A.Do;Yes,I do B.Do;No,I don’t C.Are;No,you aren’t D.Are;Yes,I am ( )3.Do you think maths useful subject? A.is a B.is an C.are a D.are an ( )4.He was born . A.in 1986,December 6 B.in December 6,1986 C.on December 6,1986 D.on 1986,December 6 ( )5. ”I” the last letter in the Alphabet(字母表). A.am B.is C.am not D.isn’t ( )6.Simon often much of his time computer games. A.spends;play B.spend;playing C.spends;play D.spends;playing ( )7.It’s time class.Listen the teacher. A.to;to B.of;with C.for;after D.for,to ( )8.Would you like to my home to have supper with us? A.to come B.to coming C.come D.came ( )9.One of the students can pictures very well. A.draw B.draws C.drawing D.to draw ( )10.The windows are all . A.close B.closing C.closed D.closes ( )11.His father arrived in Shanghai the night October 1. A.on;of B.at;of C.in;on D.on;in ( )12.We are very happy Christmas. A.on B.in C.for D.at ( )13.He’s a good student.We . A.all like her B.like all him C.all like him D.like all her ( )14.Could I have stamps?Sorry,I don’t have . A.some;any B.any;any C.some;some D.any;some ( )15.What does trick or treat mean?It means get a or play a . A.trick;treat B.treat;treat C.trick;trick D.treat;trick 六、用所给单词的正确形式填空(10分) 1.Most people enjoy (listen) to music, do you think so? 2.We like the person who is polite and (help). 3.Is she good at (swim)? Yes.She is a good (swim). 4.September 10th is (teacher) Day. 5.Thank you for (tell)me about the news. 6.He often (fly) kites in March. 7.Usually our neighbours give (we) (candy) as a treat. 8.What about the (twin) homework? 七、按要求改写句子(10分) 1.We often talk with friends on the Internet.(用Simon作主语改写) 2. It’s time for assembly. (同义句) 3.I’d like some bread for breakfast.(改为一般疑问句) 4.I go to school on foot every day.(划线部分提问) 5. My father is a doctor. My mother is a doctor, too. (合并成一句) 八、翻译句子(20分) 1、Amy 经常傍晚带她的小狗去散步。 2、七年级一班的同学喜欢在吃午饭时听音乐。 3、二月份有28天。 4、我们在10月份有一个很长的假期。 5、周润发出生于1月19日。 6.雷锋经常在星期三和我见面。 7.我擅长数学,我想当一名科学家。 8.来看看我三个同学的简介吧! 9.孙悟空经常放学后练习打网球。 10.孩子们在万圣节穿带面具的特殊戏服。 九、完形填空(10分) In America and Canada,people also have 1 festival.It 2 our Mid-Autumn Featival.It is Thanksgiving Day.It is 3 the fourth Thursday of November.On that day families get together and eat a big 4 ,like we do.They have a lot of 5 for dinner.They usually eat turkeys. A turkey 6 a chicken, 7 it is much bigger 8 a chicken.In America and Canada, 9 get together to celebrate 10 . ( )1.A.a spring B.a summer C.an autumn D.a winter ( )2.A.is B.likes C.like D.is like ( )3.A.in B.on C.at D.for ( )4.A.dinner B.supper C.lunch D.breakfast ( )5.A.food B.meat C.bread D.cakes ( )6.A.is B.likes C.like D.looks like ( )7.A.and B.but C.then D.for ( )8.A.like B.as C.than D.near ( )9.A.people B.friends C.guests D.families ( )10. A.autum B.the harvest C.the new year D.the bright round moon 十、阅读理解(10分) Zhang Lin is a middle school student.He is a good boy.Uncle Wu lives next to him.Uncle Wu has no child and can’t see anything.He works in the factory near Zhang Lin’s school.He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Zhang Lin walks to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon.On weekdays Zhang Lin gets up early to take Uncle Wu to the factory.After school he takes him home.On Sundays Zhang Lin helps Uncle Wu clean the house and do some cooking.Uncle Wu thanks Zhang Lin very much.He says,”Zhang Lin is a good boy.He is like my son.” ( )1.Zhang Lin gets up early to . A.go to school B.run C.help Uncle Wu D.cook ( )2.Zhang Lin doesn’t take Uncle Wu to the factory on . A.weekdays B.Sundays C.Monday D.weekends ( )3.Zhang Lin helps Uncle Wu . A.do the housework B.do homework C.go to school D.go to sleep ( )4.School is over at . A.3:30 B.4:30 C.5:00 D.7:00 ( )5.Which is right? A.Zhang Lin likes Uncle Wu’s son. B。Zhang Lin is Uncle Wu’s son. C.Zhang Lin looks like Uncle Wu’s son. D。Zhang Lin is like Uncle Wu’s son. 十一、书面表达(15分) 我的堂妹。12岁,高、苗条。学习非常努力。同学和老师非常喜欢她。她最喜欢的日子是她的生日,因为喜欢吃蛋糕,而且还能收到许多礼物.她常在生日那天举行生日聚会.她所有的朋友们都会来.玩得很开心. 主编:青云中学 庄福林
