
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2011-12-12 16:29:18

1.To some extent, I do understand our parents’ concerns, but I hope they will give us the freedom and chance to chase our dreams and learn by trial and error. 在某种程度上,我的确理解父母的担忧,但我希望他们能给我们自由和机会来追求我们自己的梦想,并在不断摸索中学习。 2.As long as you keep practising, you’ll surely make steady progress in your study. 只要你坚持练习,你就一定会在学习上稳步前进。 3.Not only do books show us a broad world but also we can benefit from them all our lives. 书本不仅可以给我们展示一个广阔的世界,而且还可以使我们终身受益。 4.When faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or web pages. 当遇到困难时,我通常选择查阅相关的学习资料或网页。 5.As a matter of fact, the more a student is encouraged, the harder he will learn. 事实上,一个学生受鼓励越多,他就越努力学习。 6.Nowadays, the growth and education of children has been a heated topic of society and children have become the focus of families. 现在,孩子的成长和教育是社会的热门话题,孩子已成为家庭关注的焦点。 7.Just as the picture shows, parents do their bit to do everything they can to help children succeed in their study and life, thus making many children seriously count on their parents and lack creativity. 正如图画中展示的那样,父母尽力做一切事情帮助孩子们在学习和生活上取得成功,结果使许多孩子严重依赖父母而且缺乏创造力。 背话题词: 1.be buried in/be absorbed in 埋头于,专心于 2.develop/form a good learning habit 培养好的学习习惯 3.scientific learning methods 科学的学习方法 4.take a positive attitude 采取积极的态度 5.balance your study and life 平衡你的学习和生活 6.combine learning with entertainment把学习和娱乐结合起来 7.take notes 记笔记8.review/goover one’slessons 复习功课 9.make preparations for ... 为……做准备 10.take an exam 参加考试
