
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2011-08-03 05:42:18

salary主要指公司员工等的“月薪”。be on salary 指“月薪制”。wage主要指付给体力劳动者的“周薪”、 “计 时工资”, 直接用现金支付。 I’m paid a lump sum per month. lump sum “一次性支付的金额”。 I’m a salaried worker. salaried “拿薪金的”。a salaried worker “公司职员”。 我拿的是记件工资。 I’m paid on a piecework basis. (我拿的是记件工资。) Do you find the pay sufficient? (你觉得薪水够用吗?) piecework “记件工作”。 Do you find ...? “你觉得……吗?”。sufficient “足够的”。 I’m paid according to my output. according to “根据”。output “产量”。 I’m only paid for the work l finish. 我拿的是计时工资。 I’m paid by the hour. (我拿的是计时工资。) Oh, I’m paid by the day. (哦, 我的工资是按天计算的。) I’m paid hourly. hourly “每小时地”、 “按小时计酬地”。 I’m paid on an hourly basis. basis “基础”、 “基准”。on a ... basis “以……为基准”。 今天我发工资。 It’s my payday today. (今天我发工资。) Good. You can buy lunch. (太好了, 午饭你请客。) payday “发工资日”、 “发薪日”。 buy也有“请客”的意思。 Today’s payday. I get paid today. 我会给你加薪的。 I need more money. (我需要更多的钱。) I’ll give you a raise. (我会给你加薪的。) raise “加薪”、 “涨价”。 I’ll increase your salary. increase “增加”。salary “工资”。 I’ll increase your pay. pay也有“薪金”、 “工资”的意思。 I’ll give you a higher salary. 我涨工资了! I got a raise! (我涨工资了!) Congratulations! (祝贺你!) Why do you look so happy? (你看上去怎么那么高兴?) My salary went up. (我涨工资了。) go up “上涨”。 They raised my salary! I received a wage increase. wage “工资”。 My salary has increased. 我的工资涨了5%! I got a five percent pay raise! (我的工资涨了5%!) Congratulations! (祝贺你!) pay “工资”。raise “上涨”、 “加薪”。 My salary was raised by 5%! raise “上涨”。 My pay was raised by 5%! 因为财务上的困难, 工资降了。 Because of financial difficulties, salaries were reduced. (因为财务上的困难, 工资降了。) The employees must be upset. (员工们一定很不高兴吧。)
