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2019中考英语:重点单词 短语用法大总结(四)

句子大全 2010-08-27 10:44:23

瞬间性动词/延续性动词的否定式not +until 译为 直到 才 ⑴ He waited until ten o clock .翻译:____________________ ⑵ He didn t go to bed until he had finished his work . 翻译:____________________

◆62. 疑问句+ ever =no matter + 疑问句 引导让步状语从句:whatever=no matter what (无论什么)whenever = no matter when (无论何时) whoever= no matter who (无论谁)

wherever= no matter where (无论在哪里)however= no matter how(无论如何)

◆63. 数词 - 名词 -(形容词) 复合形容词作定语

数词 + 名词复数 ⑴ He is a two-year-oldboy . = The boy is two _____ old . ⑵ Look! This is a______ buildings .A 70-floors B 70-floor C 70floors ⑶ We have ______ (两天) holiday . ⑷Twelve-year-oldsshould be allowed to choose their own clothes . ※ Twelve-year-olds 表示一类人。(12岁的人)

◆64.agree with sb .同意某人的意见 I don t agree with you .

agree to sth .同意某人的建议/办法/计划等 He agreed to my plan. believe in表示信任,相信 的存在 I believe in that man . / Believe in God.相信上帝的存在。 run out of及物动词短语,指人用完,用光了物 I have run out of my money . may be 或许/可能,may是情态动词,在句中作谓语 He may befrom theUSA ,too . ※ maybe 和may be 可以互换:Maybe you are right . =You may be right .

强调事情发展的顺序 First I had to decide what to wear .

at first= at the beginning 起初,起先。表示一件事情的开始阶段 I didn t like this job at first . in表示一段时间或较长时间 in the morning/afternoon / eveninginMay ,2010 on指在星期/具体某一天或特指某一天的上/下/晚上 on Monday/onChildren sday/onMonday afternoon / on school nights at表示点时间或较短的时间 at 8:00 / at noon/at night have to(不得不,必须)表示客观需要 It s your turn to cleanthe classroom . You have to do it .

◆71. at the end (后常接of)表示在某时,活动或事件等终止/结束时 She went to Japan at the end of last month .上月底他去了日本。

※ must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答必须用needn t 或don t have to (不必) . 如:- Must I finish the house work today ? - No ,you needn t ./you don t have to. in the end(后不能接of)最后,最终 In the end we finished this job . take part in 表示参加某项活动、比赛、游戏等 She took part in the English SpeechContest yesterday . watch sb. doing sth (看 正在做某事) 强调动作正在进行 I watched her dancing just now . ※类似用法的还有这些感官动词:see /look at / hear / listen to / feel等.

◆74. 该 的时候了:It s time to do sth . 和 It s time for (doing )sth .可以互换 。

⑴ Itis time for school .= It s time to____________ school . ⑵ It s time to study English .= It s time______ ______English . ※ It s time for sb to do sth .如:It s dark . It s time for you to go home . wish+宾语从句,用虚拟语气 I wish that I could help you . ※wish后跟双宾语(Wish you success !)和复合宾语,wish sb .to do sth / I wish you to go there with me . hope to .do sth . I hope to go to Beijing this summer .

◆76. no+n.( no是形容词)He has no dog and no family .

not (not是副词),与be动词/助动词/情态动词连用:isn t / didn t / can t . There isn t water or air . ※no和not 可以互换:Shehasno pens . = She doesn t have pens . sb be familiar with sth: 某人熟悉某物
