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句子大全 2010-07-25 19:42:51

雅思口语考试中,关于family的话题永远都不会过时。它总是出现在话题前沿,具体这个雅思口语话题该怎么说,大家一起来看看。 01 Which relative did you most often see when you were a child? 02 Who do you think is the most important member in your family? 03 Who do you like to go shopping with? 04 Who do you look like the most in your family? 1. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child? 思路:先直接回答是谁,然后简单介绍下她/他,比如她/他几岁呀什么的。然后可以扩展说一下你们以前都一起做什么。 误区:注意试试能不能把‘when I was a child’换掉,比如换成‘in my childhood’或者‘when I was a kid’,甚至可以直接说‘when I was 5 or 6’. 另外要注意的是过去时态的使用。 in my childhood 在我同年时期 come round my house 来我家拜访 stay over 过夜 hang out 一起玩 all the time 一直 tea parties 过家家/下午茶 scary story 恐怖故事 Well, I guess it’s got to be my cousin Jia. In fact, she’s just one year older, so we used to hang out all the time. I remember she used to come round and stay over on most weekends. One of our favourite things was having loads of tea parties and exchanging scary stories with her at night. Those were the days. I really miss that. 2. Who do you think is the most important member in your family? 思路:先说一下好难选择哦,然后硬着头皮去选一个,说下原因就好啦。比如爸爸比较重要,因为爸爸赚钱。 误区:虽然很难选择,但是这只是考试,所以大家大可不必担心会伤害到哪一个家庭成员的感情。比较好答的就是直接说一个。给出理由就好。 bread winner 摇钱树 run around 到处奔波操劳 can’t go without… 没有谁不能活 Well, I don’t really know whom to choose, but perhaps I would say my dad is the one since he is the bread winner, you know, he’s always out there running around making money for us. In other words, I don’t think we can go without him. 3. Who do you like to go shopping with? 思路:可以分成两种情况。比如大部分时候喜欢自己一个人去逛街,慢慢逛,一件件去试衣服。不过有的时候,尤其是月底没钱的时候就会想要找妈妈一起去买菜了,可以蹭点。 误区:注意了不管喜欢跟谁逛街,都可以;但是要进行一定的扩展,比如具体去什么商店,或者买什么类型的东西。 skint = broke 没钱了 tight with money 扣(不舍得花钱,或不愿意借钱给别人) try out 试穿/试用 every single piece 每一件单品 fitting room 试衣间 run out of 花光了 grocery shopping 买菜 pay for everything 全部买单 Well, it depends. I mean most of the time I would prefer to go to the clothing store myself. You know, I would be able to take my time trying out every single piece in the fitting room. But if it’s towards the end of the month, you know, when I’m running out of my spending money, I would always want to do at least my grocery shopping with my mom, just so she can pay for everything. 4. Who do you look like the most in your family? 思路:先开头卖个关子说下不知道或者没注意过。然后说听别人说像妈妈,就像一个模子印出来一样。不过能确定的是有爸爸的鼻子。 误区:即使长的不是很像,也可以说说听别人说的哪里像。别人说的可以算哦。 pay much attention to… 关注…… come out of the same model 一个模子印出来的 one thing I know for sure = one thing I’m sure of 我至少确定的一点 hook nose 鹰钩鼻 Well, I’ve never paid much attention to that to be honest, but every now and then people keep telling me that I look like my mom’s twin sister. Still, one thing I’m sure of is I’ve definitely got my dad’s hook nose. 编辑推荐: 更多内容请关注,也可扫码关注我们的微信公共账号或加QQ群168861834。 (编辑:秦洁)
