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日本旅游:风之电话亭“很遗憾 当初没能和你好好道别”

句子大全 2010-06-25 17:28:51

There is a black telephone in Japan that you can use to pour out your feelings and connect with your departed loved ones. 日本有一座电话亭,里面有一台黑色的电话,人们可以通过这台电话倾诉自己的情感,和自己已经离世的亲人沟通和交流。 Located in a garden in Otsuchi, the disconnected telephone was set up by 72-year-old garden designer, Itaru Sasaki, after the death of his cousin, according to Straits Times. 据《海峡时报》报道,这座电话亭坐落在日本一个名叫大槌町的地方,一位名为佐佐木的72岁老人在自己的表弟去世后设置了这台没有电线的电话。 The phone booth in the middle of Sasaki’s garden, called Kaze no Denwa (or the “Phone of the Wind”), has already been visited by over 25,000 people since the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake in March 2011. 这座电话亭位于佐佐木花园的中间,被称之为“风之电话亭”。自2011年3月份那次日本大地震之后,先后共有25000多位访客前来拜访这座电话亭。 “Because my thoughts couldn’t be relayed over a regular phone line. I wanted them to be carried on the wind,” Sasaki said in an interview with Japanese TV channel NHK Sendai. 佐佐木老人在接受日本电视台NHK仙台频道的采访时表示:“因为我对表弟的思念,无法通过普通的电话传递,既然如此就让风来替我传达吧。” Sasaki started his work on the phone booth in November 2010 and finished shortly after the tragic earthquake and tsunami event hit Otsuchi. 2010年11月份,佐佐木开始着手建造这座电话亭。继那场毁灭性地震和海啸袭击大槌町之后不久,电话亭终于建好。 A notebook can also be found inside the booth in which people can write messages for their loved ones that have passed on. 电话亭中留有一本笔记本,来来往往的人们可以在本子上写下自己对离世亲人想说的话。 One of the entries that Sasaki found in the notebook contains a message written in the autumn of 2013, saying, “Come home soon. From your father, mother and grandparents.” The message was written by a family looking for their son who went missing during the horrible disaster in March 2011. 其中,佐佐木发现本子上记录了写于2013年秋季的一则留言:“快点回家吧,爸爸、妈妈和爷爷奶奶都在等着你。”这则留言来自一个苦苦寻找儿子的家庭,这个孩子在2011年3 月份的地震中失踪了,到现在还没有回来。 The phone booth seems to have helped other families cope with the loss of their loved ones. As time passes on, Sasaki says people have come to accept the death of their loved ones, writing entries into the book like “Please watch over us from heaven.” 这座电话亭为那些失去亲人朋友的人们提供了一个可以表达自己内心感情的场所。随着时间的流逝,佐佐木表示人们开始逐渐接受亲人离世的事实,很多人都在那个写满心事的本子上写道:“请在天堂里守护我们吧”。 (编辑:何莹莹)
