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句子大全 2010-04-24 07:31:30








In many countries, prison is the common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they will not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


All people hope to live in a secure society, but crimes seem to existthroughout the world. Some people think that to address this problem, what we need is better education for people instead of punishment for criminals. In my point of view, both are essential in the battleagainst crimes.

There is no denying that sending lawbreakers to prisoncan contribute to maintaining public securityand stability, especially for those who are convicted ofgrave crimes. After being deprived offreedom, the criminals would reflect ontheir behavior and learn a lessonfrom it, which can effectively prevent them from committing crimes again. The punishment can also have deterrent effectson those potential criminals, who would consider the consequencesof violating the lawand give up their evil intentions.

However, imprisonment may not achieve the desired resultand no matter how serious the penalty is, it seems unlikely to eliminatecrimes. A large number of people perpetrate crimesbecause they have little knowledge about the law or basic skills for earning a living. Therefore, the first step is for the general public to receive more education and enhance their awarenessof the law. Also, in some cases, if disadvantaged groupscould learn some practical skills in school, they would be more likely to support themselves independently and become law-abiding citizensrather than choose to rob or steal.

To summarize, multiple methods are needed to reduce the crime rate. Only by the combination of punishing perpetratorsand educating the general public can we build a safe and stable society.


In many countries, prison is the common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they will not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


All people hope to live in a secure society, but crimes seem to existthroughout the world. Some people think that to address this problem, what we need is better education for people instead of punishment for criminals. In my point of view, both are essential in the battleagainst crimes.

There is no denying that sending lawbreakers to prisoncan contribute to maintaining public securityand stability, especially for those who are convicted ofgrave crimes. After being deprived offreedom, the criminals would reflect ontheir behavior and learn a lessonfrom it, which can effectively prevent them from committing crimes again. The punishment can also have deterrent effectson those potential criminals, who would consider the consequencesof violating the lawand give up their evil intentions.

However, imprisonment may not achieve the desired resultand no matter how serious the penalty is, it seems unlikely to eliminatecrimes. A large number of people perpetrate crimesbecause they have little knowledge about the law or basic skills for earning a living. Therefore, the first step is for the general public to receive more education and enhance their awarenessof the law. Also, in some cases, if disadvantaged groupscould learn some practical skills in school, they would be more likely to support themselves independently and become law-abiding citizensrather than choose to rob or steal.

To summarize, multiple methods are needed to reduce the crime rate. Only by the combination of punishing perpetratorsand educating the general public can we build a safe and stable society.






