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句子大全 2009-08-17 09:27:19

为了帮助各位卖家们更好地在斋月中进行营销推广,上一篇我们分享了“”,今天继续聊聊斋月时最常用的祝福语是什么? 1、Ramadan Kareem 这是在斋月期间最常用的祝福语。这句话在平面广告、邮件、网站、视频广告、手机短信中随处可。施舍是伊斯兰教的核心教义之一,“kareem”即为慷慨之意,这个祝福语可以理解为:“希望您度过一个慷慨和祝福的斋月”。 2、Ramadan Mubarak Ramadan Mubarak 意为“斋月祝福”,也比较常见。 3、Eid Mubarak 这是斋月结束,时最常用的祝福语,Eid意为“节日”,Mubarak意为“祝福”。不仅仅在开斋节,其他节日也可以使用这句话。 4、Happy Ramadan Happy Ramadan属于英文直译,在阿拉伯国家使用这句话会很别扭,不推荐使用。 此外,比较常用的还有: Ramadan Shareef Have a blessed Ramadhan Have a blessed month of fasting 上面的祝福语都比较短,如果在广告语或商业邮件中使用比较长的句子,该如何表达呢?以下是一些案例,供参考: 日常版本: ● I hope success and wealth penetrates into you this month. To bring you good fortune and prosperity. ● I wish that this upcoming Ramadan bring you happiness and prosperity for all your life. Have a blessed one! ● Here’s my wish list for you this Ramadan: Peaceful Life, Happy Family and Dreams come true. Ramadan Kareem! ● With the beginning of Ramadan, may your home be filled with the atmosphere of love and mirth. May your life be as wonderful as you are throughout the year. ● I hope this holiday will lead us to the right pathway: to the path of success, happiness, peace and prosperity. ● May this holy month of Ramadan chase away the depression and misery that is getting the best out of you. (来源:ePanda出海中东) 以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表雨果网立场!转载需经原作者授权同意。
