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牛津版英语七年级B Unit 6 单元测试题及答案

句子大全 2009-03-30 15:48:28

1. You should say sorry when you made a mistake, you________(应该) to be more polite.

2. The teacher came in, ________(拿着) a book in his hand.

3. All the students opened their mouths_________(张大的) and laughed.

4. There is nothing in the box, it s ___________(空的).

5. A pig _________(重) about 100 kilograms.

6. Look! There is a __________(指示牌) by the road, it says No Parking .

7. I like my rabbits because I can _________(喂养) her carrots and I like her long ears.

8. Don t _________(吓唬) the little boy. He is only ten years old.

9. My grandpa keeps a lovely dog. It never barks or ________(咬) others.

10. There is a big stone in the ______(中间) of the road.


1. 应该 _________________________ 2. 观看它四处游动____________________

3. 把 握/拿在手上______________ 4. 教会它说话 _______________________

5. 睁大眼睛_______________________ 6. 表演精彩的把戏____________________

7. 和别人打架_____________________ 8. 照看某人___________________________

9. 在阳光下_______________________ 10. 在 中间 _______________________

11. 大多数时间 ___________________ 12. 发出很大的吵闹声__________________

13. 害怕 _________________________ 14. 追赶______________________________

15. 四处寻找_____________________ 16. 担心某人__________________________

17. 整天忙着工作___________________ 18. 听一个关于 的报告______________

19. 看上去一样_____________________ 20. 属于______________________________


( )1. I want to borrow a book ______ animals.

A. with B. in C. from D. about

( )2. ______ volleyball here, ______ you may break the windows.

A. Play; or B. Don t play; or C. Play; so D. Don t play; so

( )3. Animals don t like ______ cages.

A. live in B. live C. living in D. living

( )4. I m hungry, ______ me my lunch.

A. take B. Bring C. Show D. Help

( )5. You _____ feed your dog at table.

A. ought B. ought not to C. ought to not D. don t ought to

( )6. You ______ be polite to the old man.

A. should B. can t C. might D. mustn t

( )7. _____ big fish they are!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

( )8. I ______ go to bed ______ my father came back.

A. won t; until B. didn t; until C. will; until D. /; when

( )9. He likes singing, ______ he doesn t sing well.

A. and B. but C. so D. or

( )10. Mr. Green ______ speak a little Chinese, but he can t speak any Japanese.

A. can B. may C. must D. need

( )11. Many girls are afraid _____ tigers.

A. at B. to C. about D. of

( )12. Man can t live without air______ water.

A. and B. with C. or D. in

( )13. Remember to______ your homework to school tomorrow.

A. take B. bring C. buy D. worry

( )14. ______ nice feather it is!

A. What a B. How a C. What D. How

( )15. I m learning about_______ take care of Hobo.

A. how do I B. how can I C. how will I D. how to

( )16. When my parrot is hungry, he_____ the cage_____ his beak.

A. knocks on; in B. knocks at; of C. knocks on; with D. knocks at; on

( )17. ______ does his sister water the flowers?

Once a day.

A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often

( )18. The teacher often tells us ____ much time ______ TV.

A. not to spent; watch B. to not spend; watching

C. don t spend; watch D. not to spend; watching

( ) 19. The fridge is making _____ noise. I don t know what______ with it.

A. too much; is wrong B. too much; wrong is

C. much too; is wrong D. much too; wrong is

( )20.The goldfish move very _____ and sleep ______.

A. slower; a lot B. slow; a lot of C. slowly; a lot D. slowly; a lot of

四、句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子。

1. Put some stones at the bottom of the tank.(改写为否定句)

_________ ___________ ___________ stones at the bottom of the tank.

2.The goldfish looks a little different.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ the goldfish __________ a little different?

3. He ought to have a rest in the sun.(改为否定句)

He _________ _________ __________ have a rest in the sun.

4. Millie has to give them water at weekends.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ Millie ________ _________ _________ them water?

5.You should feed them once a day. It is very important.(将两句合并为一个句子)

It s important _________ _________ __________ feed them __________ a day.

6. I take her out to the park every week.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ __________ you take her out to the park?

7. Look after your pet well. (写出同义句)


8. You should listen to your teacher. (写出同义句)


9. The two bags don t look different. (写出同义句)


10.The shoes under the bed are mine. (对划线部分提问)



1. 大部分时间我喜欢一个人独自呆在家里。


2. 你千万不要喂它们太多的食物。


3. 如果你想保持健康,确保自己每天都做些运动。


4. 我对看NBA篮球赛很感兴趣。


5. 狗是我们的朋友。我们不应该怕他们。


6. 你必须照看好你的宠物。


7. 西蒙的狗有时去公园里玩耍树枝。


8. 兔子吃各种各样的蔬菜。


9. 你应该保持鱼缸干净。


10. 你必须每天和你的宠物玩一段时间。



那只叫Eddie的狗是Simon的。Simon 虽然整天忙于学习,但仍花了很多时间陪Eddie. Simon知道如何照顾好一只狗。他一天喂它三次。有时还带它出去散步。Eddie就像是Simon 的好朋友。Simon非常喜欢这只狗。


7B Unit6 参考答案


1.ought 2. holding /with 3. wide 4. empty 5. weighs

6. sign 7. feed 8. frighten 9. bites 10. middle


1. ought to 2. watch it swim around

3. hold sth. in one s hands 4. teach it to speak

5. with one s eyes open 6. do wonderful tricks

7. fight with others 8. look after sb.

9. in the sun 10. in the middle of

11. most of the time 12. make a lot of noise

13. be afraid of 14. run after

15. look around for 16. worry about sb.

17. be busy at work all day 18. listen to a report on

19. look the same 20. belong to


1 5 DBCBB 6 10 AABBA 11 15 DCBA D 16 20 CDDAC

四、句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子。

1. Don t put any 2. Does look 3. ought not to

4. When does have to give 5. for you to once 6. How often do

7. Take good care of your pet. 8. You ought to listen to your teacher.

9. The two bags look the same. 10. Which shoes are yours?


1. Most of the time, I like staying at home alone.

2. You mustn t feed them too much food.

3. Make sure that you take more exercise every day if you want to keep healthy.

4. I m very interested in watching the NBA matches.

5. Dogs are our friends. We shouldn t be afraid of them.

6. You must look after your pet well/ take good care of your pet.

7. Simon s dog sometimes goes to the park and plays with sticks.

8. Rabbits eat (all) kinds of vegetables.

9. You should/ought to keep the fish tank clean.

10. You should play with your pet for some time every day.


The dog called Eddie belongs to Simon. He is busy with his study all day, but he spends a lot of time playing with Eddie. Simon knows how to look after a dog. He knows it is very important not to give it too much food. So he feeds it three times a day. Sometimes he takes it out for a walk. They are just like good friends. Simon likes his dog very much.
