
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2009-03-10 11:38:44

新东方网托福频道在此和大家分享最新托福写作模板:创新工作独立和还是合作完成。题目后面带有两篇范文及相关的主要表达,请同学们看过题目后先不要着急看范文,先自己思考写一写再看看模板中有哪些值得借鉴和掌握的表达。 题目: At work or school, you might encounter a problem that requires creativity (for example, you are given a task to complete that is very difficult from other tasks you do.) In order to complete a creative task, would you prefer to work alone or with others? Why? 参考范文: I prefer to work on creative tasks alone rather than trying to solve them with a group of other people. Although I am limited to my own ideas, I can focus on a solution and express my unique ideas better if I can concentrate on my The main reason that I prefer to work alone is that I generate my best idea when it is quiet, and I have time to think. If I am in a room with other people who are talking, I become distracted and cannot pay full attention to developing a solution to the problem. If I need help solving a particular issue related to the task, I can always search for the specific information I need on the internet or using another source. Therefore, I focus better when I am on my own but have resources available to solve the problem. In fact, I find that not only do groups distract me, but they often do not stay focused on the problem at hand. When I work on a project, I think about various ways that it can be solved, but do not often let my mind wander to other topics. On the other hand, it is very easy for one person in a group to make a comment that another person thinks about in a way that is unrelated to the task at hand. For example, a person might mention seeing a possible solution on a television show, and suddenly the conversation changes from the solution to the characters on the show. I cannot concentrate on the project when my team diverges completely from the relevant issues. The other problem with group decisions is that they tend to be compromises. If one person comes up with a possible solution, people tend to develop out that idea rather than generating new ones. Instead of a wide range of creative alternatives, the first potential solution is used. Controversial options are discarded, and the team ends up with a working answer that is not innovative or new. A solution is reached, but it might not please any member of the team because it has been changed so many times by all the members and is no longer special or innovative. Groups can be useful for completing some tasks, but when I have a difficult problem that involves creativity, I prefer to solve it alone. On my own, I can focus better and develop a unique idea that stands on its own. 词句积累: be limited to 局限于 generate my best idea 产生我最好的想法 developing a solution to the problem为这个问题构建出一个解决方案 on my own 靠自己,独自一人 diverge from 背离,背道而驰 develop out 发展,展开 creative alternatives 创造性的备选方案 stand on its own 独立的
