
句子大全 > 好句子


好句子 2012-11-08 12:27:18



Unit 1(25个单词)


·mouse英 [mas] / n.老鼠A mouse is a small animal.(老鼠是一种小动物。)·large英 [lɑd] / adj.大的He is a bulky man.(他是个大胖子。)·strong英 [str] / adj.强大的,强壮的I feared I wouldn't be able to control such a strong horse.(我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。)·walk by英 / 走过,路过When I walk by this bakery.(当我走过这家面包店的时候。)·wake…up英 / 吵醒,叫醒He wake up at 7a.m. every day.(每天早上他都是7点醒来。)·some day英 / 某一天I hope it happens some day.(我希望这能在某一天发生。)·quietly英 [kwatli] / adv.小声地,安静地We have to talk quietly.(我们必须小声讲话。)·weak英 [wik] / adj.弱的,软弱的She is a little weak in spelling.(她在拼写方面较差。)·loudly英 ['ladl] / adv.大声地Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity.(在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。)·let…go英 / 释放,放开Hold tight. I'm going to let go.(你抓紧,我要放手了。)·the next day英 / 第二天The next day the bookshops sold out.(第二天书店就卖断了货。)·net英 [net] / n.网The ball rolled into the net.(球滚进了网中。)·bite英 [bat] / v.咬He took another bite of apple.(他又咬了一口苹果。)·sharp英 [ɑp] / adj.锋利的,尖的This is a sharp knife.(这是一把锋利的刀子。)·sadly英 ['sdl] / adv.难过地,伤心地I was afraid and I cried sadly.(我害怕我伤心地哭了。)·just then英 / 就在那时Just then he awoke from his dream.(就在这时,他从梦中醒来。)·soon英 [sun] / adv.不久,很快She was soon disillusioned.(她的梦想不久就幻灭了。)·happily英 ['hpl] / adv.开心地,高兴地We are living very happily now.(现在我们正在幸福地生活着。)·from then on英 / 从那时起We become companion in misfortune from then on.(从那时起,我们就成了患难之交。)·cheer英 [t] / v.欢呼They all clap and cheer.(他们都鼓掌和欢呼。)·hit英 [ht] / v.打,击I was just hit by a wall of water.(我刚撞上了一堵水墙。)·deep英 [dip] / adj.深的There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him.(在他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。)·reach英 [rit] / v.够得着I can't reach the top shelf.(我够不着最上面的架子。)·quickly英 ['kwkl] / adv.迅速地,快地I run very quickly.(我跑步很快。)·pour…into英 / 把……倒入Pour into a long glass, garnishing with a banana and serve.(倒入长玻璃杯,用一片香蕉装饰即可饮用。)Unit 2(13个单词)


·habit英 ['hbt] / n.习惯Washing hands after lunch is a good habit.(午饭后洗手是一个好习惯。)·never英 ['nev] / adv.从不Elephants,cows,and pigs will never fly.(大象,奶牛和猪永远不会飞。)·late英 [let] / adj.迟,晚We went to bed very late.(我们很晚才睡。)·put…in order英 / 把……整理得井井有条Document which have to is put in order.(入档文件,必须放置有序的文件。)·finish英 ['fn] / v.完成I intend to continue it and see the job through to the finish.(我打算继续下去,直到工作彻底完成。)·tidy英 ['tad] / adj.干净的,整齐的The room is kept clean and tidy.(房间收拾得很整洁。)·bad英 [bd] / adj.不好的,坏的Smoking is bad for your health.(吸烟有害健康。)·sleepy英 ['slip] / adj.困的,困倦的She felt sleepy when she was eating her breakfast.(她吃早饭的时候觉得很困。)·last night英 / 昨夜When did you go to bed last night?(你昨晚几点睡的?)·fast英 [fɑst] / adv.快地The car was driving too fast!(这车开的太快了!)·go into英 / 走进,走入We queued up to go into the cinema.(我们排队进入电影院。)·slowly英 ['sll] / adv.慢速地The boat chugged slowly along.(船突突地缓慢前进。)·badly英 ['bdl] / adv.差地,不好I was angry because I played so badly.(我很生气,因为自己的表现实在是太差了。)Unit 3(7个单词)


·healthy英 ['helθ] / adj.健康的Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.(猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。)·diet英 ['dat] / n.饮食It's never too late to improve your diet.(什么时候改善饮食都为时不晚。)·a little英 / 一点I had grazed my knees a little.(我的膝盖擦破了一点皮。)·a few英 / 几个I made a few phone calls.(我打了几个电话。)·at a time英 / 一次Can I borrow two books at a time?(我可以一次借两本书吗?)·cola英 ['kl] / n.可乐Do you like cola?(你喜欢可乐吗?)·need英 [nid] / v.需要It's obvious that you need more time to think.(显然你需要更多时间来思考。)Unit 4(14个单词)


·road英 [rd] / n.马路,公路Heavy traffic blocked the road.(拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。)·safety英 ['seft] / n.安全They crossed the road in safety.(他们安全地穿过了马路。)·cross英 [krs] / v.穿过,穿行Always use a crosswalk when you cross the road.(过马路的时候请走人行道。)·safely英 ['sefl] / adv.安全地The plane landed safely.(飞机安全降落。)·must英 [mst] / aux.必须I have to go, I really must, at once.(我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。)·zebra crossing英 / 斑马线All car should stop at the zebra crossing.(所有车辆都要在斑马线前停下。)·safe英 [sef] / adj.安全的By using the safe,your money will be safer.(能了保险箱,你的钱会更安全。)·pavement英 ['pevm()nt] / n.人行道He was hurrying along the pavement.(他在人行道上疾行。)·look out for英 / 当心,提防What are the symptoms to look out for?(有哪些症状需要注意?)·easily英 ['izl] / adv.容易地I believe that you are adapted to society more easily.(我相信你会更容易地适应社会。)·follow英 ['fl] / v.遵守We followed him up the steps into a large hall.(我们跟着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。)·rule英 [rul] / n.规则There is no cast-iron rule.(没有一成不变的规则。)·stay英 [ste] / v.保持They stayed at home for the holiday.(他们在家过节。)·light英 [lat] / n.灯What's near the light?(灯附近有什么?)Unit 5(7个单词)


·Children's Day英 / 儿童节It's Children's Day. (今天是儿童节。)·clown英 [klan] / n.小丑The clown was wearing a false nose.(小丑戴着一个假鼻子。)·appear英 ['p] / v.出现When night falls, stars appear.(夜晚来到时星星出现。)·balloon英 [b'lun] / n.气球The balloon rose up slowly into the air.(气球缓缓升上天空。)·begin英 [b'gn] / v.开始The talks are to begin tomorrow.(谈判将于明天开始。)·put on英 / 上演,表演Put on your T-shirt.(穿上你的 T 恤衫。)·end英 [end] / n.结束The summer came to an end.(夏天结束了。)Unit 6(22个单词)


·country英 ['kntr] / n.国家You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)·will英 [wl] / aux.将,将要You will do as I request, if you please.(请按我的要求做。)·learn英 [ln] / v.学习I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·find out英 / 发现I hope we can find out about it.(我希望我们能查清此事。)·magazine英 [mg'zin] / n.杂志She picked up a magazine and began to read.(她拿起一本杂志,开始看起来。)·kangaroo英 [,kg'ru] / n.袋鼠The kangaroo is a native of Australia.(袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物。)·koala英 [k'ɑl] / n.考拉If you go to Australia,you can see koalas.(如果你去澳大利亚,你可以看到考拉。)·sport-lover英 / n.运动爱好者He was a sport-lover.(他是个运动爱好者。)·Australian football英 / 澳式橄榄球Tom wants to play for the Australian football team.(汤姆想为澳大利亚足球队效力。)·exciting英 [k'sat; ek-] / adj.令人激动的,令人兴奋的He was enthralled by the exciting story.(那激动人心的故事使他听得入神了。)·Sydney英 [sdn] / n.(澳大利亚城市)悉尼Sydney is in the southeast of Australia.(悉尼在澳大利亚的东南部。)·welcome英 [welkm] / v.欢迎Welcome to las Vegas.(欢迎来到拉斯维加斯。)·visitor英 ['vzt] / n.游人,游客His visitor's visa expired.(他的访问签证过期了。)·for example英 / 例如For example, books have authors and publishers.(例如,书籍都有作者和出版商。)·London英 [lndn] / n.(英国城市)伦敦These are symbols of London.(这些都是伦敦的标志物。)·Oxford英 ['ksfd] / n.(英国城市)牛津He came to Oxford and studied law.(他来到牛津学习法律。)·like英 [lak] / prep.如These two girls like to sing.(这两个女孩喜欢唱歌。)·Big Ben英 / (伦敦)大本钟You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)·London Eye英 / (伦敦的摩天轮)伦敦眼I want to visit the London Eye.(我想去参观伦敦眼。)·Tower Bridge英 / (伦敦)塔桥This is Tower Bridge, the most striking of all London bridges.(这是塔桥,是伦敦最有特色的大桥。)·What do you think?英 / 你觉得呢?Tell me, what do you think of my theory?(你说说,我的理论怎么样?)·month英 [mnθ] / n.月She was here for a month.(她在这儿呆了一个月。)Unit 7(13个单词)·summer holiday英 / 暑假This summer holiday was over.(这个暑假结束了。)·go back to英 / 回去Let's all go back to my place!(我们都回我那里吧!)·how long英 / 多久How long is the tunnel?(隧道有多长?)·stay英 [ste] / v.停留They stayed at home for the holiday.(他们在家过节。)·sound英 [sand] / 听起来,听上去The sound coming from the speakers was very clear.(喇叭里传出的声音很清晰。)·Disneyland英 [dznlnd] / 迪士尼乐园If you go to the USA,you can visit Disneyland.(如果你去美国,你可以参观迪斯尼乐园。)·Ocean Park英 / (香港)海洋公园Ocean Park has made new development proposals.(海洋公园已提出新的发展建议。)·Taipei英 ['tai'pei; -'bei] / n.台北He graduated from Taipei university.(他毕业于台北大学。)·photo英 ['ft] / n.照片We must take a photo!(我们一定要拍张照片!)·travel英 ['trv()l] / v.旅游I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)·traveller英 ['trv()l] / n.旅行者The traveller carries about a camera.(旅行者随身带着一只照相机。)·travel around the world英 / 环游世界I travel around the world and I talk to people.(我环游世界和人们交谈。)·different英 [dfrnt] / adj.不同的The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.(这种徽章有20种不同的颜色和形状。)Unit 8(16个单词)


·dream英 [drim] / n.梦想I had a dream about a fish last night.(我梦到了一条鱼。)·future英 ['fjut] / n.将来,未来We need to plan for the future.(我们需要为将来作好打算。)·care about英 / 关心,在乎I don't care about the matter.(我对这事毫不介意。)·tooth英 [tuθ] / n.牙齿She had very pretty straight teeth.(她有一口漂亮整齐的牙齿。)·astronaut英 ['strnt] / n.宇航员I have wanted to be an astronaut.(我想过成为一个宇航员。)·spaceship英 ['spesp] / n.宇宙飞船The spaceship blasted off.(宇宙飞船发射上天了。)·football player英 / 足球运动员He is cut out for a football player.(他天生是个当足球运动员的料子。)·World Cup英 / 世界杯They re-ran the World Cup final on a big screen.(他们在大屏幕上重播了世界杯决赛。)·dancer英 ['dɑns] / n.舞蹈家She can be counted as a dancer.(她可以算一个舞蹈家。)·pianist英 ['pnst] / n.钢琴演奏家Howard is a talented pianist.(霍华德是个很有天分的钢琴家。)·come true英 / 实现,成真You can make that dream come true.(你可以让那个梦想实现。)·take care of英 / 爱护;照顾I can take care of myself.(我能照顾好自己。)·scientist英 ['santst] / n.科学家He is a scientist of high prestige.(他是一位有声望的科学家。)·brave英 [brev] / adj.勇敢的You are a brave man.(你是个勇敢的男人!)·artist英 ['ɑtst] / n.艺术家The artist is painting.(这位艺术家正在作画。)·paint英 [pent] / v.画画This paint mixes easily with water.(这种颜料容易与水混合。)《苏教译林版_六年级英语下册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
