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好句子 2011-04-07 00:53:52


As there is a rise in the corruption level, few youngsters raised their voices against it.(随着腐败程度的提高,很少有年轻人提出反对意见。)If the company denies raising the salary of employees this year, the rate of employee turnover may rise.(如果公司拒绝今年提高员工工资,员工流动率可能会上升。)在这两个例子中,我们都使用了这两个词,但在不同的地方。在这两个句子中,“rise”的意思是“an increase(上升)”,而“raise”的用法不同,即在第一个句子中,它的意思是“speak out(说出来)”,而在第二个例子中,它的意思是“提高、提升”。




它代表向上运动:The water level of the river has risen due to heavy rains in the city.(由于城里下大雨,河水水位上升了。)The kite rose up in the air.(风筝在空中升起。)当有人站起来或下床时也会用到:The Principal rose from his seat, to welcome the Cheif guest at the annual function.(校长从座位上站起来,欢迎Cheif的客人参加年度活动。)My mother rises at 6’O clock daily.(我妈妈每天6点起床。)要成功:She worked really hard to get a rise in her career.(她努力工作以使自己的事业有所发展。)She joined as a clerk in a bank and risen through the position.(她加入了一家银行,当了一名职员,并通过了这个职位。)反抗,即开始反对错误的事情:The students rose against criminals.(学生们奋起反抗罪犯。)增加:A rise in the prices of petrol decreased the usage of motorbikes.(汽油价格的上涨减少了摩托车的使用。)Paul’s blood pressure is rising.(保罗的血压在上升。)Raise的用法


提起或举起某物:All the students raised their hands when the teacher asked who likes to go for an outing?(当老师问谁喜欢去郊游时,所有的学生都举起手来。)使某物更好或增加:A little encouragement raised her morale.(一点点鼓励提高了她的士气。)The government raised the interest rate on the provident fund.(政府提高了公积金的利率。)大声说或谈论:One should raise his/her voice, against the crime.(一个人应该提高嗓门,反对犯罪。)使某物存在:Shahjahan raised (= established) Taj Mahal for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.(沙贾汗为他心爱的妻子穆姆塔兹·马哈尔修建了泰姬陵。)收钱:Joseph brought capital and raised some money from the bank for his startup.(约瑟夫带来了资本,并从银行为他的初创企业筹集了一些资金。)代表成长或发展:After the demise of their daughter, they adopted a kid and raised her like one.(女儿死后,他们收养了一个孩子,把她抚养成人。)To raise crops, the soil must have essential nutrients.(为了作物成长,土壤必须有必要的营养。)要设置更高的标准或门槛:The latest technology developed by the company raised the bar for other companies in the industry.(该公司开发的最新技术提高了该行业其他公司的门槛。)Rise和Raise的关键区别




There is a rise in temperature, since last week.(从上周开始,气温上升了。)Due to rising pollution in Delhi, the CM banned the entry of trucks, for the next three days.(由于德里的污染日益严重,在未来三天CM禁止卡车进入。)The rate of inflation has risen in the past seven years.(在过去的七年里,通货膨胀率上升了。)Raise

The bank raised the interest on home loans.(银行提高了住房贷款利息。)One can raise money from doing business.(做生意可以挣钱。)She requested the manager to raise her salary.(她要求经理提高工资。)如何记住差异

