
句子大全 > 好句子

2022年广东省叶塘中学 高三英语 培优试题一(答案详解)

好句子 2009-01-08 16:51:19


Class____ No.____ Name_____ Scores


试题难度:难 总单词数:2283 words 标准用时:40 minutes

1. Not that I’m unwilling to lend you a hand, _________ I’m too busy for the moment.

A. because B. but that

C. but D. and that

2. ---You’ve booked a ticket on a four o’clock flight?

---What chance________ of taking an earlier plane?

A. there is B. is it

C. there it is D. is there

3. ---Could you mail these letters for me please?

---__________ letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you again.

A. What B. Some

C. More D. Different

4. ---You’d better keep quiet in class.

---Sometimes I_________. Yesterday, I was very quiet during my English class.

A. would B. do

C. did D. have

5. ---I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.

---__________, let’s go and see him.

A. What’s more B. If so

C. Where possible D. When necessary

6. ---Who is making so much noise in the garden?

---___________ the children.

A. It is B. They are

C. That is D. There are

7. It isn’t cold enough for there__________ a frost(霜) tonight, so I can leave Jim’s car out quite safely.

A. to be B. will be

C. is D. being

8. ---Will you go to the party?

---Of course I will if____________.

A. I was invited B. invited

C. I will be invited D. having invited

9. ____________ the students were to hear the exciting news!

A. How pleased B. What a fun

C. How happily D. What pleasure

10. ---I want to ask you a question, sir.


A. Why B. What for

C. What about D. How about

11. ---Don’t forget to take the message to my teacher.


A. Yes, I will B. No, I won’t

C. I don’t think so D. Sorry, I don’t

12. ___________, you’ll never be able to persuade him.

A. However hard may you try

B. Try however hard you may

C. However hard you may try

D. Try hard however you may

13. ---Could you__________ take care of my dog while I’m away?

---Sure. Leave it to me, please.

A. perhaps B. possibly

C. maybe D. probably

14. Some people waste a lot of food___________ others haven’t enough to eat.

A. however B. when

C. as D. while

15. So absorbed___________ in her work that she didn’t realize I was behind her.

A. did she B. was she

C. she did D. she was

16. ---Were all the people in the taxi injured in the accident?

---No, ___________ only the two passengers who got hurt.

A. there was B. there were

C. that was D. it was

17. ---You must do as I tell you.

---Oh, I must, ________?

A. should I B. ought I

C. mustn’t I D. must I

18. I know Jack spends at least as much time reading as he___________.

A. does writing B. is writing

C. writes D. does to write

19. ---It is fine today.

---__________. And a very day for fishing, isn’t it?

A. So it is B. It is so

C. Is it so D. So is it

20. Not once in these years_________ the prices of these products.

A. we changed

B. have we changed

C. did we change

D. we have changed

21. It was in Beihai Park___________ they made a date for the first time_________ the old couple told us their love story.

A. where; that

B. that; that

C. where; when

D. that; when

22. If things are left_________ they are, the problems will never be settled, I’m afraid.

A. how B. as

C. what D. where

23. Was it in 1998, when he was at college, __________ this young man won the international prize?

A. that B. where

C. when D. which

24. Talking to a friend over the phone, you feel that you are close to each other________ the actual distance is not short.

A. so long as B. so that

C. as if D. even if

25. Isn’t ________ rude___________ him to talk to his mother like that?

A. that; for B. that; of

C. it; for D. it; of

26. ---I’ve been busy with my book these days. I’d like to go out for relaxation this weekend.

---I think so. ________________.

A. Have a good time

B. For what

C. What fun

D. Have good travel

27. ---What you said at the party hurt me deeply.

---Sorry, but____________.

A. I didn’t mean it

B. I didn’t mean to

C. I don’t mean it

D. I don’t mean to

28. The child complained that the old man made no answer when ________where he lived.

A. asking B. asked

C. to ask D. having asked

29. ---Did you remember to give Jenny the money?

---Yes, __________I saw her, I’m sure.

A. So long as

B. So far as

C. The moment

D. No matter when

30. It was not until dark_________ he found ___________ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.

A. that, what

B. that, that

C. when, what

D. when, that

31. ---Was it because the traffic was very heavy during the rush hour _________ you were late again?

---Well, I’m afraid so.

A. when B. that

C. why D. which

32. You can fly to the UK this morning_________ you don’t mind changing planes in Hong Kong.

A. because B. provided

C. unless D. so far as

33. ___________, he does get angry with her sometimes.

A. As he likes her much

B. He likes her much

C. Though much he likes her

D. Much as he likes her

34. He will be late ___________he can catch the 10:00 train.

A. if B. as if

C. as D. even if

35. It won’t be long___________ he gets the driving license.

A. before B. since

C. after D. when

36. ---Who are you going to interview? ---____________ the man injured in the accident.

A. The doctor will operate on

B. The nurse to be looked after

C. His brother got

D. The doctor to operate on

37. _________ is no possibility___________ Bob can win the first prize in the match.

A. There; that B. It; that

C. There; whether D. It; whether

38. She wants to know if it is 600 miles an hour_________ the newest plane can go.

A. which B. that

C. when D. when

39. It was __________1936___________ basketball became a regular part of the Olympic Games.

A. not until; that B. not until; when C. until; when D. until; that

40. ---Was that the new school master who walked by?


A. it was B. there was

C. they were D. there are

41. The hostess told us it was_________ that caused her to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

A. for our being late

B. our being late

C. we were too late

D. because we were late

42. It was with great joy_________ he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home.

A. as B. that

C. so D. for

43. _________ electricity plays such an important part in our daily life?

A. Why was it that

B. Why is it that

C. Why is it

D. Why it is that

44. I can’t quite remember__________ you started doing the work.

A. that it was when

B. when it was that

C. when was it that

D. that when it was

45. ________ who had arrested him three times for drug-taking.

A. Before George stood the policeman

B. Before George the policeman stood

C. Before the policeman stood George

D. Before George did the policeman stand

46. Hardly___________ when the bus suddenly pulled away.

A. they had got to the bus stop

B. they got to the bus stop

C. did they get to the bus stop

D. had they got to the bus stop

47. ---Can you tell me where my uncle is?

---Yes, of course,_______________.

A. here your uncle comes

B. here comes your uncle

C. comes your uncle here

D. your uncle here comes

48. ___________from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.

A. Jumped down the murderer

B. Down jumped the murderer

C. Down the murderer jumped

D. Down did the murderer jump

49. ---Shall I wake you up tomorrow morning?

---Yes, ____________.

A. please do B. you shall

C. you will D. you may

50. ---You look happy today, Mary.

---I like my new dress and Mother_________, too.

A. likes B. does

C. is D. do

51. ---She must look like a very pretty girl.

---Yes, I imagine_________.

A. to B. that

C. it D. so

52. ---What’s the matter with John?

---He didn’t pass the test but he still___________.

A. hopes so B. hopes to

C. hopes it D. hopes that

53. ---You performed so well. Are you an actor?

---No, I’m not. But I___________.

A. used B. used to

C. used to be D. was used to

54. ---I didn’t tell my mother that I would leave home.

---You____________ when you left home.

A. ought to B. should

C. did D. ought to have

55. ---I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broken.

---Oh! I____________.

A. do not hope to

B. do not hope

C. hope not so

D. hope not

56. ---Will you go home tomorrow evening?

---No, I am going to a lecture, or at least I am planning_______.

A. so B. to

C. it D. that

57. ---I got tired of the village life here.

---Why____________ for a few weeks?

A. don’t come to my home

C. not coming to my home

C. do you come to my home

D. not come to my home

58. ---Have you been in China long?


A. No, not very

B. Not much

C. Yes, only little

D. No, only yesterday

59. ---I don’t think he is watching TV in the room now.

---Oh! __________?

A. does he B. doesn’t he

C. is he D. isn’t he

60. ---Do you follow me? ---Yes, _____________.

A. it is good B. I will

C. perfectly D. very good

61. ---You can’t come today, can you?


A. Yes, I can come tomorrow

B. Yes, I can’t come tomorrow

C. No, but I can come tomorrow

D. No, but I can’t come tomorrow

62. ---Did you have breakfast?


A. Yes, let’s have it together

B. No, let’s go there sometime

C. No, I haven’t taken it

D. Yes, about an hour ago

63. To know what is good and_________ are two different things.

A. doing what is right

B. does what is right

C. to do what is right

D. did what was right

64. The man is either for me or_________ if I give my opinion.

A. against me

B. is against me

C. says no to me

D. he is against me

65. The passer-by both saw the robbery_________ to the police.

A. and reporting it

B. and reported it

C. and she reported it

D. and she reported

66. The novelist is __________.

A. not only famous in Britain but also in America

B. not famous only in Britain but also in America

C. famous not only in Britain but also in America

D. not only famous in Britain but in America too

67. To be admitted into a famous university, ___________.

A. one must work hard

B. working hard is needed

C. what you need is to work hard

D. what one needs is to work hard

68. ---Please don’t make a noise.

---________________. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.

A. Yes, I won’t B. No, I won’t

C. No, I will D. Yes, I will

69. If you go to Xi’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly________.

A. supposing B. supposed

C. to suppose D. suppose

70.---I don’t think I can walk any further. ---__________. Let’s stop here for a rest.

A. Neither can I B. Nor am I

C. I don’t think so D. So do I




2、D.there be…是固定句型,此句为疑问句故要倒装。

3、C.从后面的hear from you again可知是以前发过信的,此处为Do you have more letters to post的省略。


5、B.so相当于一个句子he was badly injured; If so如果是这样的话。

6、A.此处为强调句型的省略,完整的为:It is the children who is making so much noise.

7、A.根据把车停在外面很安全,可知,今晚天气不够冷,不会有霜。It is (not) …enough for sb to do sth为固定结构,此处对there be的灵活考查,出现了for there to be这一特殊结构。

8、B.if invited为省略句,相当于if I am invited;状语从句中如果主语和主句的主语一致,且从句出现了be动词,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。

9、A.此句是感叹句,实际是:be +表示情绪的形容词(pleased )to do结构,此类结构可以表示因、、、而产生某种情绪。

10、C.What about是承上句的省略,意思为你的问题是关于什么的。

11、B.此句为省略句,相当于:I won’t forget…指将来不会忘记这样做的。





16、D.此处为强调句型;强调的是主语。由于有了the故不能用there be结构。






22、B.as they are按原样;为方式状语从句。


24、D.even if引导让步状语从句;即使实际距离不短,你也感觉彼此距离很近。

25、D.It be +描述人的形容词+of sb to do sth为固定句型。

26、A.Have a good time.祝你玩得愉快。为固定的祝愿语。

27、B.此句为省略句,等于:I didn’t mean to hurt you.根据上句应知是指过去情况。

28、B.when asked为省略句,等于when he was asked.

29、C.下半句省略了主句,完整的为:I gave Jenny the money the moment I saw her.我一看到就把钱给她了。

30、A.前面是强调句型,强调时间状语,后面为宾语从句的作主语的连接词,he thought为从句的插入语。






35、A.It won’t be long before…不久就会、、、。

36、D.此为承前省略;相当于I am going to interview the doctor to operate on…后面的不定式是作定语用的。

37、A.There is no possibility that…为固定句型,没有可能、、、。


39、A.It was not until…that…直到、、、时候才、、、。







46、D.Hardly had+主语、、、when +主语+一般过去时谓语;一、、、就、、、



49、A.shall引导疑问句为征询对方意见,回答时不能再用shall; do为代动词,相当于Please wake me up.

50、B.does为代动词,Mother does等于Mother likes it.


52、B.此处省略,完整的句子是:he still hopes to pass the test.

53、C.不定式后的be动词和助动词have不能省略。完整的为:I used to be an actor.

54、D.此句完整应为:You ought to have told her you would leave.助动词have在不定式后不能省略。

55、D.I hope not为一固定句型,not等于一个从句,我希望你胳膊没断。

56、B.plan to后面省掉了go to a lecture.

57、D.Why not do…等于Why don’t you do…表示建议。

58、A.not very为I have been here not very long.的省略。D项的only yesterday与问句的时态不吻合。

59、D.Isn’t he?等于Isn’t he watching …?难道他没在房间看电视吗?是对上面的情况反问。

60、C.省略句。完整的为:I follow you perfectly.


62、D.省略句;相当于I had breakfast about an hour ago.




66、C.not only…but also…并列连接词,后面成分要一致。


68、B.根据后半句,前面应为否定。I won’t完整为I won’t make a noise.

69、B.状语从句省略了主语和be动词;完整应为:…than they are commonly supposed.

