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tie tie是什么意思

单词翻译 2019-12-06 12:16:01






限制,束缚,约束拴(住)系, 将…系在…上,(打结)系牢,被系住连接,连结打结,系扣扎捆,捆绑,绑联合使结为夫妻使紧密结合打联系与…打成平手,成平局,得分相同束(紧)


vt. & vi. 捆,扎,拴,系 fasten with ropes or stringvt. & vi. 使联系在一起; 使依附于 cause to be connected or dependent in some wayvt. & vi. 与…不分胜负,得分相同 be equal to an opponent in a competition


[C]领带,领结 a band of cloth worn round the neck inside a shirt collar and tied in a knot at the front[C]绳子,带子 a cord, string, etc., used for fastening sth[P]联系,关系 sth that unites; bond[C]束缚,羁绊,牵累 sth that takes one’s attention and limit one’s freedom[C]不分胜负 a game, election, etc., in which each competitor gains an exactly equal number of points, votes, etc.; draw[C]淘汰赛 sports between two or a group of competing teams or players


neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front;”he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie””he wore a vest and tie”a social or business relationship;”a valuable financial affiliation””he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team””many close associations with England”equality of score in a contesta horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating;”he nailed the rafters together with a tie beam”a fastener that serves to join or connect;”the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction”the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided;”the game ended in a draw””their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie”(music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch; indicates that the note is to be sustained for their combined time valueone of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track;”the British call a railroad tie a sleeper”a cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied;”he needed a tie for the packages”


fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord;”They tied their victim to the chair”finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.;”The teams drew a tie”limit or restrict to;”I am tied to UNIX””These big jets are tied to large airports”connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces;”Can you connect the two loudspeakers?””Tie the ropes together””Link arms”form a knot or bow in;”tie a necktie”create social or emotional ties;”The grandparents want to bond with the child”perform a marriage ceremony;”The minister married us on Saturday””We were wed the following week””The couple got spliced on Hawaii”make by tying pieces together;”The fishermen tied their flies”unite musical notes by a tie


He doesn’t want any ties; that’s why he never married.他不愿受束缚,所以不结婚。Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.要想外出度假时,宠物会成为牵累。The firm has ties with an American corporation.该商行与美国一家公司有关系。They want to loosen their ties with Britain.他们想要削弱同英国的关系。He took off his jacket and loosened his tie.他脱下夹克,松开领带。He wore a pale blue shirt and a tie to match.他身穿淡蓝色的衬衣,系了一条与衬衣相配的领带。There are ties for sealing plastic bags behind the door.门后有封塑料袋用的捆紮条.Each team scored twice and the game ended in a tie.每个队都有两次得分,比赛不分胜负。


I was all thumbs this morning. I couldn’t even tie my shoelaces.今天早上我笨手笨脚的,连鞋带都系不好了。First hammer the tent pegsinto the ground, then tie the ropes onto them.先把系帐篷的桩子打进地里,再把绳子系在桩子上。Please tie the safety belt well because the airplane will be taken off.飞机将要起来,请系好安全带。We must tie him down to the contract.我们必须使他受合同约束。I need a length of wire or string to tie it with.我需要一根铁丝或绳子来捆它。Does this sash tie in front or at the back?这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面?The girl tied the ends of the thread.这女孩把线的两端结起来。


tie的基本意思是“系,捆,扎,拴”,指用绳或带等打结将可能离开或移动的东西拴到某个固定的物体上,含有一端拴在固定物体上,另一端仍可活动的意味。引申可作“把…联系在一起”“束缚”解,强调受到强于自己的事物的控制、约束,没有自由,无法逃避或摆脱。tie也可作“打成平局,和…持平”解。tie在美国口语中还可作“提出与…相当之事”解,常用来表示惊异。tie后接副词back表示“往后系,拴紧”; 后接副词down表示“捆住,使不能自由行动”; 后接副词in再接介词with表示“(使)连接,联系,(使)协调,配合”; 后接介词to表示“依靠,依赖别人”; 后接副词up表示“绑紧,系好,包扎”“停泊,停靠码头”“阻碍,阻塞(交通)”; 后接副词up再接介词with表示“与…密切联系,合伙”“使(资金等)未作某项用途而不能随意挪用,使(财产等)受法律的约束而不能随意变卖”。


tie用作名词的基本意思是“领带,领结”,也可指系物、捆扎用的“绳子,带子”等,用于比喻可表示“限制人行动自由的事物; 束缚,羁绊,牵累”。tie的复数形式ties可作“联系,关系”解。tie也可作“平局,不分胜负”解,其前可加不定冠词。tie还可作“淘汰赛”解。
