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单词翻译 2019-12-04 04:18:01




平衡,均衡天平,秤比较,对比结存,结余,余额剩余部分平静协调,和谐镇定平衡物决定权优势(钟、表等的)平衡轮,摆轮[the B-]【天】天秤座




[U]平衡,均衡 a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread, so as to produce a condition of steadiness[C]天平,秤 an instrument for weighing things[C]结存,结余,余额 an amount that remains or is left over


vt. & vi. (使)平衡,(使)均衡 put sth in such a way that it does not fall downvt. 权衡; 比较 weigh; compare two objects, plans, etc. in order to judge the relative weight, value, etc.vi. 结账 record the sum needed to make them equal


a state of equilibriumequality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an accountharmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design);”in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance”equality of distributionsomething left after other parts have been taken away;”there was no remainder””he threw away the rest””he took what he wanted and I got the balance”the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Librathe seventh sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about September 23 to October 22(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or planea weight that balances another weighta wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine; especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beata scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity


bring into balance or equilibrium;”She has to balance work and her domestic duties””balance the two weights”compute credits and debits of an accounthold or carry in equilibriumbe in equilibrium;”He was balancing on one foot”


The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。Great care must be taken in the use of the balance.这种天平使用时必须十分当心。He used a very sensitive torsion balance.他利用了一架非常灵敏的扭力天平。Sunday is a great time to balance out whatever area of your life has felt disordered as of late.星期天是你最近动荡不安的生活得到平静的大好时机。We need to maintain some semblance of balance and some sense that we are steering the ship of our life.我们需要保持平静的外表,和一种我们掌握了我们的生活之舟的意识。Kindly remit us the balance without delay .请立即把余额汇给我们。In other words, the balance of trade may deteriorate rather than improve.换句话说,国际贸易差额不但不会改善,反而可能会恶化。The balance of the shade and the sun on the tree-trunks and on the ground is beautiful beyond words.射在树干与地面上的阳光和树荫,其色彩之调和,真是美得难以形容。EBN is balance in Yin and Yang, sweet and mild, making it a surprisingly pleasant medicinal food.燕窝的特质是阴阳调和,带甜温和,使到其成为人们喜欢享用的保健品。The balance of terror has replaced the balance of power.恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡。Locke’s ideas on the power balance are still inspiring in modem societies.洛克权力制衡思想对现代社会仍然具有启发意义。


You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。The company will lay off workers to balance the budget.这家公司会裁员,以平衡预算。This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.本年度的盈利将与上一年度的亏损相抵。


The dancer could balance on one toe.舞蹈演员可以用一个脚趾平衡。The aviator warped a wing tip to regain balance.飞行员使一机翼的端部翘起,以恢复平衡。


balance用作名词的基本意思是“平衡,对比”,引申可表示“调和,均势”,还可表示思想或情绪上的稳定、镇定、沉着,有时还可表示重量、力量或数量上的偏重,作此解是不可数名词,但其前可加不定冠词。balance还可作“天平,秤”解,引申可表示“平衡力,制衡作用,抵消作用”。balance也可作“结存,结余,余额”解,指财务上的收支差额或余额。在美式英语中the balance可作“残余,余额”解。表示“一副天平”,可说a balance,也可说a pair of balance。表示“用天平称某物”可接介词in或on。


balance的基本意思是对物体各部分进行适当调整,使重量均衡或比例协调,从而达到稳固或稳定的目的。引申可指均衡或比较事物的利弊、优势或轻重、缓急等。美国人习惯用the balance表示“其余”,而英国人则习惯用the remainder或the rest来表示。
